10 days.

Well it’s been 10 days since I’ve written anything on here. Suppose I better put something down. It looks like the pictures section is broken. I didn’t even do anything to it to make it happen either. I hate when crap like that happens because I have no idea what’s the matter with it.

My birthday was last Saturday. Bleh. I can’t say I had a good time. Not because it wasn’t condusive to fun, it was just me. I don’t really like my birthday that much. Just another reminder that it’s been another year and I’m still not that happy. Kind of like Christmas I suppose. Depressing.

I am getting tired of being busy all the time. I took today off work becasue I just need a little time to depressureize I suppose. I haven’t gotten anything at all accomplished today and I’m fine with that. I didn’t even get out of bed until after noon. I was possibly going to fly up to Wichita with Ben in the Bonanza on a parts run today but it didn’t happen. He said he was going to let me land heh. Oh well, probably would have had a news story tonight on the news with a smoldering pile of wreckage in a random field someplace.

I got a new phone last Saturday. The fancy Palm Pilot phone crapped out on me again and this time it did it for good. Threw it into the wall a few times and then took it out and ran it over with the 35,000 pound jet fuel truck. That made me feel better. Pretty much turned it into plastic dust. It was a good excuse to make the switch from Alltel over to Cingular. I’ve been thinking about that for a while. I had a great experience with the switchover too. Went in and told them I wanted my number switched over and a plan and phone and I was out of there in 7 minutes flat with a new RAZR phone. Every time I had to go deal with Alltel it was a big pain in the ass filled with waiting and answers of no we can’t do that. If I want to switch over to the new fancy Palm phone again all I have to do is get one off of ebay and swap my card out of the RAZR into the new phone and thats it. No waiting for 45 minutes for someone at the Alltel store to help me.

Hopefullly nothing going on with me until Sunday night when I am going to Genoa to visit the parents. Might go out tonight or Saturday night if something comes up. Who knows. Monday back to work (triple time) and Tuesday back to school and work. The quarter is almost over. Still got a paper to write and some finals to take then no classes until about the 8th of July.

Link of the day: This is a pretty typical conversation in dispatch where I work. That’s Justin telling the story, Chuck secretly filming it on his digital camera, me leaning back listening, and Jordan walking through calling the Com Center on the phone to get access to go fuel Northwest Airlines. I forgot I even had this video. This was back when I was working the weekend shift.

2 thoughts on “10 days.”

  1. Hey Steve,
    Why don’t you come on down to KC??? Executive Air port is 1 mile from our house….maybe you can hitch a ride…Looking forward to seeing your folks for a few days.

  2. Can’t do it, they are coming down when I have work and school. Any other time I really don’t seem to have the time. I hardly ever even have a chance to go down to Genoa to see my own parents.

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