
Greetings all. Today is Wednesday, which is my Saturday, so yay. I have had a long seven day work week and my dogs are barking. Well not my dogs really, more my back. I have entered the third trimester and although I’m not ready for baby to be here yet, I’d like to have one night of effortless sleep where getting comfortable isn’t a chore. Rolling over, sitting up, adjusting pillows…I’m just so cumbersome. I have today and tomorrow to get some much needed tasks completed…but I feel inclined to lounge like a beached whale wishing a wave would carry me away and I’d float like a buoy…gladly…. It’s hard to imagine getting larger, I think body wise I’ve reached my max, but baby has more to go. So, my belly isn’t done yet and it is shocking and my back is crying. When I got on the scale this morning, I couldn’t believe I finally hit Steve’s goal weight….

It is time for me to slow down some. Not that I’ve been Miss Super Active as late. But I reached a limit working the Arts Festival in Omaha. I will equivocate it to a runner that has hit the wall, only it’s my pregnant body and standing for hours. I can’t quite describe the pain, but it is progressive. It’s like first my lower back begins a low moan, then the ligaments and muscles around my groin begin a high pitch shrill of a first time violin player, eventually taking a step is like moving through molasses echoed by shrill moaning ache. That night, after the festival, when I got up in the middle of the night that chorus of pain almost brought me down, nearly unmovable and having to pee desperately. But other than that…all is well.

Is any of this surprising, I suppose not. Am I willing to accept pity parties? Yes. Speaking of parties however, I will get all rested up and take it easy so I’ll be in best form for the Steve and Jess Shotgun Wedding We’re Having A Baby Celebration. I am so excited! I can’t wait to see all my family and friends and new family and friends and we’ll all be in one of my most favorite places in the world, at the lake. I hope everyone that comes will take the time to at least drive across the dam in Rep City, to see the lake in all her beauty and know how much I love it. I have so many memories from going there as a child, to moving there as a teen and silently wishing I could live there again. There are so many more great memories to build there, this party being one of them!

Steve had mentioned that he gets to pick up one of my friends at the airport on Saturday. This tickles me because two of my most favorite people will meet for the first time. I believe I’ve adequately warned my friend that Steve isn’t real good with first meeting people, he’s quiet and generally might be perceived as an asshole (sorry honey). I think she will be able to handle the awkwardness and by the time they get back home they’ll be…less awkward… I have to work, so they’ll have some good bonding time until I get home…this also makes me giggle a bit.

This will be good socializing practice for Steve. After all, he’ll be meeting a lot of new people that are completely awesome and so much fun! Of course, I’ll be meeting new people, too, watch me become the quiet one……nah.

Next week is going to be crazy exciting. To everyone that is making the trip, both near and far, I am so touched that you could carve out some time to celebrate with us. To everyone that can’t make it, send cash. Hardeeharhar. No, really, to everyone that can’t make it just know that you’ll be missed and someone will have a drink and some cake in your stead. I may not do the drink, but the odds on the cake are pretty good.

Ok, well, I suppose I need to get ready for the day. Got stuff to do, places to go, plus the dent in the couch may not bounce back if I stay imprinted in it too much longer. It might be a while until I post again. So…until then.

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