Foiled Again

Greetings All. It has been about a month since I’ve had two days off in a row. We had a family outing planned – taking Alexander to the zoo for the first time. But, yesterday when I picked up Alexander from daycare I notice a red blotch on his neck. I thought either it was irritated by the collar on his shirt and sweating or a reaction to his antibiotics. When I got him home, I took his shirt off and noticed redness under his armpits and diaper area. The sweat theory and antibiotic theory was still playing in my head. I kept a very close eye on him and by 1:30 a.m. I was calling the Care line to see if it was emergency room time.

My mom is allergic to penicillin so I thought we were in the clear the first round of antibiotics Alexander took to clear an ear infection. When I took him in last Friday for his follow up check up, the infection was still there, so there was a medicine change. After about a week of taking it, he breaks out in hives overnight virtually in front of my face. I didn’t panic because if he was severely allergic he would have reacted immediately. And rashes like this are common. And the nurse I talked to at 1:30 in the morning pretty much set my mind at ease and saved me a trip to the ER. But, I learned this morning at the doctor’s office there is no bonafide test for an allergy to penicillin. Nothing that is 100% anyway. So, we just won’t use that medicine anymore…ever. And on the flip side, the ear infection has cleared up.

So, no zoo for us yet. I was looking forward to that, another time then. Alexander has been such a champ. Such a happy bubbly baby, even covered in hives. I think I’ve learned a few lessons so far of parenthood in these very short eight months in regards to doing… anything. #1 – Plan on breaking plans in the making of plans. #2 – Saying yes to do anything is sort of a lie (refer to lesson #1)

We have had offers from friends to babysit Alexander, and man do we want to take everyone up on it! But Steve and my schedules don’t mix. One of us has to take time off work just so we can hang out. I can’t take time off until the Homestead Act goes back to the National Archives, none of my division is allowed to do so, but the act will go back…in about ten days. So hopefully soon I can get approved for a Saturday and Sunday off so we can have a babysitter and Steve and I can go do something. And then have a family outing day, too! (I need to remember lesson #1)

This weekend is the big to-do at Homestead. 150th commemoration of the signing of the Homestead Act. I couldn’t even BEGIN to tell you what’s been going on to get ready for this, but I can say I’ll be ready to get that event done with. Then the Chautauqua starts the next day, I think that lasts a week. If you’re not familiar with the Nebraska Humanities Chautauqua, google it for info. As for a taste of what to expect…I guess Mark Twain is moderating. And there will be appearances by George Washington Carver and Laura Ingles Wilder to name a couple of speakers. I’ve not been in on the planning of that event, and I’m not complaining. I’m going to try to take a weekend off sometime in June I think…by that time it might seem like if I do get to go out with Steve, it’ll be a first date scenario. I might get nervous and wonder if he’ll still like me. We’ve been a couple ships passing in the night for too long.

I guess for now I’ll just cuddle the babes if he’ll let me and will the hives away. The steroids he has to take makes him a bit sleepy, but in between naps he’s played. When I went to the store I bought a bunch of fruits and veggies to make him some yummy baby food, one thing unaffected by all this has been his appetite. He weighed in at 22 pounds 8 ounces today. He’s 8 ounces heavier than the last doctors visit on Friday.

I’m hoping next week we’ll go to the zoo on my day off. I’m very excited to see his reaction to the animals. I’ve been looking forward to taking him there even since I was pregnant. (remember lesson #1)

2 thoughts on “Foiled Again”

  1. Well, that was interesting. Make sure when you go to the zoo to bring along the baby sunscreen & hat & stroller and try for a day where it’s not 100 degrees out… And I’d say stay away from the train…when Camryn heard it, it was so loud it scared him and he cried. Otherwise, that was a fun time. Anyway, I hope Alexander gets better fast and you get your weekend off next month. I’ll be seeing Steve and him on June 15th and 16th when Steve runs in Norfolk. That will be fun! OK, as for you needing a babysitter for a day or 2 again, just let me know and I’ll come stay over again sometime. Bye for now, Love you guys! Mom

  2. We aren’t going to the big zoo in Omaha, just the children’s zoo here in Lincoln. I would like to go to the zoo in Omaha sometime though, we went a while back but it was pretty much Winter so it wasn’t as interesting as it could have been. Going during a nice spring or fall day would be nice.

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