A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Just got back in from running my first mile since February 25th. Surprisingly it went ok considering the fact that I haven’t done anything other than going out on the bike towing the boy in his trailer maybe five or six times in that time. I was able to make a running motion for the whole thing without walking and the pace was… well not fast, but not the worst I’ve ever done either. I don’t know what happened this year. I had run at least one half marathon every year for the last five or six years (four of them last spring alone) and was training for a full marathon when I just… stopped. I haven’t even done a single race this year when there have been years where I’ve done more than ten of them. Well Summer is pretty much over and I decided that I can’t get skunked this year and not do anything so I decided to try to get a race in before the year is over. It’s a lot harder to do now that I changed shifts and have to work every weekend when every single race is held, I don’t want to use all my vacation days just for going out and running a 5k or something. Anyway, long story short since we are going to Wisconsin Dells next month for a little vacation I decided to see if there are any races happening and lucky me, they just happen to be holding their big race of the year right when we are going to be there since that is the weekend of their Autumn Harvest Festival. I wish I was in shape enough to run the half but I am just going to do the 5k instead. Finally get to use the new racing socks I bought, basically they are just bright red socks that go up to my knees, I figure that it will make it easier to find myself in the race pictures and make it easier for people who I know at races to spot me. Also, I am officially announcing the creation of the Flatlander Running Club! Official membership… one. Me so far, I haven’t asked Jessica if she wants to join yet since she doesn’t really run anymore since she had the baby, the C-section tweaked something in her guts and gives her pain when she tries to run so she’s just not that into it, at least not the longer races anymore. I think I can convince her to join up though. Anyway what I’m envisioning is just a real loose group of people of all kinds of ability levels (but probably more along the slower end of the spectrum) who are just out there to have a good time and maybe find some new people to meet up with, maybe train with and find some mutual encouragement since it’s always easier to find motivation when you are going with someone else. Anyway if you’re interested in joining up let me know, there’s no dues or anything and its really informal, but maybe I will set up a message board or something where members can talk to each other and set up meet ups, maybe people can start their own little chapter in their towns or something. Might be fun to get shirts made up for races or something, I’ve already made one for myself that announces that I’m a bottom twenty percenter that I’m going to wear at races. The whole thing probably won’t go anywhere but there’s got to be other people out there who are interested in a fun little group like that? Anyone?

3 thoughts on “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

  1. Hey can a walker join? I still do 3 – 5 miles a day most weeks. Will only get 4 in this week as have to prep for my program tomorrow. Hate to not see you guys this weekend, but “stuff” happens.
    Your Mom has the quilt and hope its ok. Have fun. GMW

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