A promise is a promise.

Well I said I would try and update this thing every day if I could. I’m just sitting here listening to Dune Buggy by the Presidents of the United States of America, circa 1995. I forgot that song even existed. I’m sure it was overshadowed by their hit “Peaches” on that same album. Anyway just sitting here jamming out, eating soggy microwaved pizza rolls and drinking an inferior Mountain Dew store brand replica, AKA Country Mist, while watching the phone for Chuck while he steps into the pilots lounge to watch TV, AKA take a nap.

The whole day was pretty much wasted for me. Had to come in to work at one to do this years fire training which was remarkably like last years fire training. Fat guy in a red shirt with a foomanchu mustache who talked about how you shouldn’t stand in a standing pool of fuel while fighting a fire. You might burst into flames doing that, which was news to me. That was followed by a boring generic fire video, followed by putting put a little practice fire. Very routine to say the least. It did highlight one of my pet peeves about working graves though. All the damn mandatory meetings people schedule during the time that I sleep. They say they don’t see what the problem is since they schedule multiple meetings and I can choose which one to attend. The problem is all the times are all still when I am sleeping. It would be like me saying to a daywalker, “I’m gonna need you to come in sometime during my shift to talk about (insert pointless topic here), you can have your choice of times to attend, 1:30am, 3:00am or 4:30am.” This is a gripe that every person who works overnights has at every job that has an overnight shift though. I just forgot about it since it’s been a few years since I worked graves. It’s just hard to get people out of the mentality of “Wow you don’t have to work all day long, look at all that free time you have!” No, I have the same amount of free time as you and every other person who works a 40+ hour workweek, and no I do not wish to get up after an hour and a half of sleep to ‘run some errands for you’ unless you are willing to do the same for me at 3 in the morning while I’m at work.

Anyway I was fully intending to stay up after the fire thing and do some cleaning but instead I went back to sleep and did the napping thing where you just lay there and kind of sleep off and on but are never really fully asleep. Kasey called at around five and left a message inviting me over to Shannon’s to eat tacos. Unfortunately I didn’t get the message until 9:15 because my ringer was off. I wish this damn phone would chirp when I missed a call like my other phones. I was pissed because I wanted some freakin’ tacos too. Not to mention that I don’t get invited to many places other than the damn bar. The invite was appreciated though, even if it was probably brought on by my last post about not hanging out anymore because everyone does their couple things.

Well that’s seven new posts now in seven calendar days. Six of them with some content even! It’s harder than you think to keep this thing fresh. I’m going to have to find a way to keep notes throughout the day when I’m not actively writing because so much stuff comes and goes that I could run with, but by the time I get to it I’ve forgotten it. That’s all for tonight, gotta go drop a deuce. The switchboard be dammed!

6 thoughts on “A promise is a promise.”

  1. Damn, those tacos were good, and (healthy). Since there was so much, I ate your share too.
    Maybe next time we will have a cook out. Bring your amputees, midgets, and other entourage too. Maybe you could entertain us with your “mystifying” powers.
    Go out and get a girlfriend and stop being married to this stupid computer – geek.

  2. Dune buggy was probably my third favorite song on that CD…right behind peaches and lump of course but none the less a great song…i’m pumped your writing on here again…you know kansas city is no europe but it’s a great weekend getaway if you’d like…your stories of duncan folk are riviting…how did you like that word…i don’t care about the gossip, i just want to hear the daily stories that you’ve been telling…i just read all your latest blogs and my stomach hurts i’ve been laughing my ass off…reading some of this stuff kind of makes me miss lincoln…and now i’m starting to tear up…okay i’m kidding, sort of…anyway…good to hear all is well…take care…jayballs out

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