A race to nowhere!

Well after the 4 months of preparation and having a bunch of relatives involved to come watch the big race it was a big pfffffffttttttttt. They ended up canceling the whole thing a couple hours after we got there on Friday because of a stupid snowstorm that didn’t turn out near as bad as was predicted. During the time the race was going to happen on Saturday morning it was mostly just rain. Pretty disappointing. But like my Uncle Mike said you can control whether you sign up for the race, you can control whether you do the training, you can control whether you show up, but whether they cancel it or not is out of your control. Nothing I could really do. They are rescheduling the half and 5k part of the race for next week but the full is canceled. They are offering to transfer that entry to next years race or possibly to another race in the region which is nice I guess since the official policy was basically “Race canceled? Tough shit no refunds.” I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. They said they are going to mail the finishers t-shirt and medal to me, why I don’t know. It doesn’t mean anything if you didn’t actually finish the race. I’ll take the t-shirt but the medal is pointless, I can’t hang it with the others I have because I didn’t earn it. I was tired and feeling like crap almost the whole trip from trying to switch my sleep schedule and finally felt ok on Sunday morning. Too bad that’s when I had to come back home and go to work at 10pm where I can again go back to feeling tired and shitty for a couple days until I switch back to my original sleep schedule. I swear everyone, I’m not always tired and crabby, I can actually be fun sometimes! Just not when you see me though…

The dog is pretty sick. I have to take him to the vet tomorrow, probably to get expensive xrays and other expensive procedures to remove whatever the dummy ate this time and got lodged in his innards. Usually he can pass it after a day or so either from the front or the back end but he hasn’t been able to and he’s pretty miserable. Why do pets cost so damn much?

2 thoughts on “A race to nowhere!”

  1. That is such a bummer Steve! I was telling Terry about the chance it might be cancelled and he said they would never do it; looks like he was wrong this time. Sorry about the disappointment. Maybe something good will come out of the run you’ll do instead?
    Hang in there!
    Love ya!

  2. Yeah, even though the race was cancelled, we had a good time just seeing Steve again, and Mike’s family too. How is the dog today? Did you have to have anything else done for him besides the x-rays? Hope he’s ok. OK bye, Love ya.

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