All about X

Greetings All. I’m sitting here, sipping my coffee, watching crap morning TV. Ahhh, the sweet bliss. The baby and hubby are sleeping and I’m left to my thoughts of all I should do today, but probably, most likely, won’t. The reality of going back to work is creeping into my thoughts and indeed I’m conflicted. I have to admit on one hand I’m ready to go back. I also think that Alexander going to daycare will be really good for him.

What I’m worried about is missing out on a lot of his milestones. I’ll miss all the daytime interaction with him and when I do get off work and get home, he’ll be going to bed. So, I’ll only get to have him all day for two days a week, boo. Since I have to work over the traditional weekend, Steve is going to get to be with X on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Which is wonderful, but I fear the Saturday. Steve will be coming off of his night shift and go right into baby duty. I fear he will burn out, quick. What stinks is daycares don’t operate on the traditional weekends. So, I think I’m going to need to find a “just in case” babysitter for Saturdays, if indeed the burnout happens. Any volunteers?

I found a good daycare for Alexander, we went to go check it out yesterday. It is a bit out in the boonies, just south of Firth, NE. The woman that runs it is probably a bit younger than I am. She was an elementary teacher until she had her first of three children, she’s been running her daycare/preschool since then and her oldest is 8 years old and she is state accredited. I think X will benefit from being around the kids and also being in earshot of the preschool going on, that will be just wonderful! He was so wide-eyed and curious when we visited and the teacher was like, “Oh he is such a laid back baby!” Apparently a very good selling point because she said she’d take him on for the summer.

Alexander is going through something right now. I’m not sure what is going on, he’s got a low grade fever and for the past few nights has been sleeping long hours. His attitude in general is pretty good, his appetite is good, he’s all systems go in the diaper department. But his schedule is all wackadoo. Naps are all over the map and feeding is the same. Is it a growth spurt? Teething? Gas? Is he fighting something? Is it just a part of getting older? I just don’t know. Could it be the oatmeal I started feeding him? Anyone ever have a problem with baby oatmeal? I don’t think he needs to go to the doctor, but he does have his 6 month appointment coming up soon.

Alexander still isn’t rolling over much yet. But his eye/hand/mouth coordination is getting pretty good. And he’s beginning to reach for us, which is beyond cute to see that little hand reach up to yours. He’s into monster sounds, squealing and gurgling. He has very strong legs and loves to stand, assisted of course. And he likes to arch his back and slide upside down. He is also now a jumperoo master. X is an incredibly smiley happy baby!

On a different topic, I’ve managed to lose some weight and I can fit into my pre-prego fat jeans. Never thought I’d be so happy to get into my fat jeans! I still have a ways to go, but this gives me hope. I’ve monkeyed with my diet and changed a few things and I do think this has helped. Mainly I’ve upped the protein, lessened the carbs. It just isn’t all about the caloric intake I guess. I’ll just keep chipping away at it.

On another note we are going to Pittsburgh to visit my sister and her clan at the end of March. I’ll be writing more about that another time, it should be interesting. Well, the baby calls, take care all.

2 thoughts on “All about X”

  1. It’s so nice to read what you have to say Jess! As for X going through something…sounds like it could be teething…you’re doing good keeping an eye on the low grade temperature thing though. I wouldn’t worry too much unless his fever gets higher. It seems like just when you think you’ve got everything figured out and a schedule that’s working good…it changes! That’s what babies do…lol. I’m glad that you found daycare and are going back to work soon. You just let me know if that Saturday thing becomes too much for Steve and I’ll just have to take a drive some Saturday morning (or Friday night?). Good going on getting into the fat jeans…I just had to buy a pair of fat jeans so my diet isn’t working that great…I have been keeping up with my 30 minute walk every day though, so I guess that’s good. Anyway, you have fun in Pittsburgh when you go. Kiss the X for me! Also hug “S” for me too Love you guys!

  2. Cindy you probably needed to buy a larger pair of jeans cause your earning a badonkadonk booty on the treadmill, ha. If you wanted to take on a Saturday you would be welcome to! Anytime! Of course you’d have to come up on a Friday and get spoiled a little, butter you up for whatever the Saturday might bring. I start back the end of March, basically the day after we get back from Pittsburgh. By the end of March Steve might be wanting a reprieve. We’ll keep you posted. Thanks for offering, that’s really wonderful! Lots of love from all of us!

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