All the fish are dead.

All my fish are dead again. Like always. I usually have one or two hardy ones that make it to old age but not this time.

Appearently I was on the news last night. I didn’t actually see it and I don’t even know what station it was on. I remember the film crew being out on the ramp filming me when I was fueling a Northwest flight but they never told me what it was about. Appearently a news story about terrorists or so I’m told.

I have a three day weekend this weekend, yay! I then have to work 17 out of 18 days after that, shit…

I still don’t know why my email is acting up. It keeps putting a file called inbox.lock in there which locks the inbox so it can’t be written to while it is being accessed but is supposed to be cleared out on its own and it’s not. If I can’t figure it out I’ll get ahold of tech support. For now it is fixed again but if it breaks and bounces emails then you can send stuff to my backup email address skorgie(at) (obviously replace the (at) with an @ to make it work.) [EDIT: I think I know why it was messing up. A program I had checking my mail. I think I fixed it but I will keep an eye on it.]

My mom got some pictures up from the 4th, here’s the link. You could actually find them by navigating around in my pictures if you wanted to, her area is a subcategory of mine since her blog is hosted on my domain. I am still working on getting some pictures from Mike and Joe to put up. I didn’t take many myself. All I had was the camera built into my Palm Pilot.

Power to the Puerto Ricans. Later.

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