Almost done.

Well I am almost done with the Investments class. All I pretty much have left is to drive the hour and a half to Peru, NE next week to take the final, and to finish the final project. I still hate having to do a 3 hour drive all to log into what? Yea, a computer connected to the internet to log onto the same website that I’ve been logging into for the entire class. Defeats the purpose of distance education and it sucks ass. I really didn’t care for this class all that much. It had way way too much advanced theory and statistics and not enough practical information doing real world things that a regular person might need instead of the things a back room Wall St analyst would need. I did enjoy the retirement planning assignment where you had to figure out how much you would need to put away per month at a certain return and inflation rate to retire at a certain age for a certain number of years. He let you pick out all the variables to suit your own risk aversion and retirement needs and you came up with a number. It’s nice to know that at least theoretically I have already been putting enough away to not have to live on cat food when I retire… theoretically anyway. I included my projected Social Security money in there as well even though I don’t expect that it will be there when I retire. If it is it will be dramatically reduced anyway. I’m still saving much more than the figures say to so hopefully I will be ok. I’ll probably be killed on duty 2 days from retirement just like Danny Glover was afraid of in Lethal Weapon and it will all be a waste of time.

Jess and I watched the first episode of Boardwalk Empire. It’s a show set at the beginning of the 1920’s prohibition era starring Steve Buscemi. It was pretty good and now we might be hooked. Watch it on HBO if you’ve got it or download them off the internet. It’s only 3 episodes in so we have 2 more to catch up. I usually don’t watch a lot of series like this because once you miss an episode or 2 then you get lost and then I just say screw it. I definitely can’t watch them all at once one after another like you would on a dvd box set though. I need to wait for the next week’s episode to air to stay interested. I’m going to have to get the 3rd one off the net since I only have the second one on the TiVo right now. What sucks is once we move into the new place I’m going to have to get them all off the net because we won’t be getting any premium channels.

Do you eat fast food? Look at this…

What the hell is that? It’s “mechanically separated chicken”… The stuff that chicken nuggets and patties are made of. They just throw the whole chicken… guts, eyeballs, bones and all and then smash it all through a sieve. Because it’s crawling with bacteria it’s then soaked in ammonia. After that it naturally tastes funny so it’s shot full of artificial flavoring to make it taste somewhat like chicken again and then dyed to get rid of the weird pink coloring…

I worked in a place that made hamburger patties for Burger King and that wasn’t near as gross as this process is. Yuck. Actually the patty place wasn’t that bad… other than the high power fans that accidentally sucked meat up the vents to the roof and then dropped rotten meat back down again later. Dammit why does fast food have to taste so damn good?

2 thoughts on “Almost done.”

  1. omg I thought it was strawberry soft serve!!! yep I just threw up in my mouth a lil. My poor kids and their happy meals.

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