Am I the only one…

…that feels like I should be doing more with my life? Does everyone kind of lament when you feel like things are just a little bit out of control and you can never seem to get the things done that you really want to get done? I just wish I had a clear path to follow that would lead to that genuine fulfillment and happiness that everyone is going for. I don’t suppose something like that really exists though, constantly searching for it instead of just living your life as it is only leads to disappointment. Sometimes I just feel like I’m flailing around with no purpose is all. Going through the same routine day in and day out until I die, you know what I mean? Don’t know why I’m thinking stuff like this, probably because I’m sitting in the darkness at midnight and there’s nothing to do but think. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m unhappy, I’m actually quite happy with life in general. I guess I just feel a little bit unfilled sometimes. I continue to do things to make myself a better person but really don’t feel like I’m better after I’ve done them. I don’t suppose I’m all that different form anyone else though.

I skipped the Buffalo Run this morning and I’m not running the Omaha Half either in a couple weeks. My foot hurts and I haven’t been keeping up on my training at all. I might just go the route that my uncle Joe goes with, not running anything over a 5k. I have more fun that way, I don’t have to spend so much time training, I don’t feel like I’ve been beat up afterward, I don’t have pain, and Jessica will go with me more. Sounds like a winning combination all around

Got the new lens in on Saturday and it’s pretty nice. I played around with it some but haven’t taken it out all that much yet . I did get some experimenting in last night when I couldn’t sleep and I got a great star shot in pointing the camera at the north star and doing a 45 minute exposure. I thought all the light coming from Lincoln would ruin the shot but it actually gave it a really cool purplish glow. Click on View Full Picture to see it in it’s original size but even the smaller version looks pretty cool.

I’m running an hour and a half exposure right now as I write this. I wanted to try putting another tree or something in the foreground again but there is too much wind right now and it would just be a blurry mess. Instead I set it up in the back yard between the shed and the house to block out most of the ambient light pointed straight up towards the milky way to see what I get. It might not turn out because there are clouds here and there so we will see. I would be interested in the setup that they use to take good pictures of the sky that rotates the camera with the rotation of the Earth so the stars stay in one place instead of circular streaks and you get super clear shots of everything in the sky. EDIT – The hour and a half exposure didn’t turn out, but here are a few more semi-interesting shots.

We bought the Husker pay per view on Saturday even though Jessica was at work and I was sleeping. The plan was to avoid hearing about the game until we were both home in the evening and then we would pretend like it was live. Didn’t work though, Jess heard about it at work and I couldn’t avoid seeing the score so it kind of ruined the illusion. Defense looked pretty good but the offense was a little ugly. Taylor Martinez is a beast though, it’s pretty sweet to have someone preform like that as a redshirt freshman instead of having them be a senior and be a one and done and have to start over again the next year. It will be nice to have the playmaking quarterback around for 4 years to annoy everyone else in the conference like Texas and Oklahoma always seem to have. I like seeing the option again too, it was kinda like the old days instead of the stupid west coast crap. We have 3 guys in the top 10 rushing yards per play. Nice.

2 thoughts on “Am I the only one…”

  1. You are definately not the only one to feel that way about your life…you do what you can and hope everything works out…many days (and years) go by in a flash and then you’re old and falling apart and wish you could have done some things differently, but you can’t change the past so you just live with it…WOW that’s kind of depressing isn’t it? Anyway…miss you, love you, bye.

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