And so it begins…

Well we have about 7 weeks until we move… or do we? The sheriff was at our door today to serve papers to our landlords. I don’t know the specifics of what the papers say, I’m assuming foreclosure, I’m waiting for eviction but hopefully we can skate by for just a little longer until we can get into our new place. I was surprised by how easy it was to get the sheriff to go away. Nope I’m not Monte, nope she isn’t Dena, we are their renters. Here’s a random address in Western Nebraska where she may or may not be… kthanksbye! I have to admit that the whole situation has me a little bit worried. Any day I’m expecting to come home and have the locks changed and all our shit on the curb. Jessica says no they have to give notice and go through all the channels but since they don’t seem to know about us all that notice could easily be given to them and then have us out on our ass with none because they assume that all the proper notice has been given to the people that live there.

Yea, I definitely shouldn’t have taken the Investments class. The course seems to have taken a turn from investing right into advanced statistics. Yesterday I just finished reading about 70 pages of material that I remember nothing about. I think I could read it 100 times in a row and still not really comprehend the concepts that they were trying to teach. So needless to say I am not doing all that great grade wise so far. It doesn’t help when I completely forget to turn in an assignment that I spent hours working on as well. I had it done 4 or 5 days before it was due but I wrote it all out in pencil. I then marked it as completed on my list of stuff I had to do but I still needed to actually scan it into a pdf file and submit it online which I completely forgot to do because I spent the whole weekend working overtime and my routine was messed up. I am so pissed at myself. So far the only thing that I have learned for sure is that I should just buy index funds and not bother trying to beat the market.

We missed most of the pay per view game last week. I had it all ordered and ready to go and the time came and there was… nothing. No one there to answer the phone except the on call emergency person and she couldn’t do much about it. Lots of people were in my position and were pretty pissed off. They finally got the game on at about halftime which kind of sucked but at least we got to see some of it. They were trying to still charge us for half of it but we told them that we drove into Lincoln to watch it at a friends house so we couldn’t even watch it and they just took it all off. We went ahead and ordered this week’s game as well since they assured us that they would be pre testing to make sure everything is working this week and have someone standing by to fix it right away if something goes wrong. Jessica will be at work and I will be sleeping but we are going to TiVo it and pretend it’s live later that evening. No one spoil it and tell us what happens ok?

I bought a new lens for my camera. The old lens I’ve got is the old style that was made for film cameras. It works ok I guess but the images can be blurry sometimes. I bought one that they have in Wal-Mart for $250 but I got it for $185 on ebay. It’s a 55-250mm zoom lens with image stabilization. I’ll still use the old one though since it’s a 28-90mm and still works ok. Maybe I’ll look into upgrading that one in the future.

Here’s a couple more shots. The black one there is actually my second attempt at a time lapse photo of the stars. That one was 25 minutes. It’s kind of difficult to get them all the way in focus but that’s what I’ve got so far, interesting effect. It looks better the higher resolution that you go instead of the small compressed thumbnails on the website so it’s best to look at the original photo for that one. I plan on going out in the country where it’s really dark to point it at the north star area and see what I can get out of that when I have some time.

6 thoughts on “And so it begins…”

  1. You live an exciting life! Send me the PDF … I’d like to look over your shoulder and see what thet heck they are teaching you!

  2. No way, I would really feel stupid when you could blow right through them in a minute or two. I was having trouble a few years ago when I was taking another math class and another guy that I work with who went to school for chemical engineering looked over my shoulder and came up with the answer in his head in a couple seconds. I really felt like a moron. I don’t know why I have such a hard time when other things come to me so easily.

  3. You are a very smart person and have no reason to feel like a moron! I’m so glad you go to school. I never was able to take more than a couple different courses…whether it was because of having kids, or having to work, or the cost of the class itself…something always prevented it for me…and still does…oh well. Anyway, I hope everything works out for you on your living space, and you don’t find your stuff out on the lawn…you probably should start packing though…it’ll make it easier for them to stack on the lawn…lol. Nice pic of Jess too…

  4. We’ve all got different strengths and weaknesses and to Cindy’s point different opportunities and limitations. In your case I think you’re more than smart enough to figure out what’s important and do what’s necessary to move forward. Gives me hope for my vagabond sons.

    If I was 30 years old and won the lottery I would …

  5. Your boys will get things together soon enough. It just comes with maturity and life experience. There would be so much that I would change if I could go back in time but what I did and what happened to me in the past is what makes me who I am. I’ve just got to do the best I can and try to make things better.

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