Angry women.

Back to work again after a four day weekend, didn’t seem like it was that long, it doesn’t really help when my ear is hurting like a mofo again and my sleeping is all messed up like it always is. On my days off I wake up like clockwork at 12:30am and I’m up all night whether I want to be or not. Stuff like that was fine when I was single because I didn’t have anything better to be doing but now I’m married and have a kid and have things to do. It’s getting old ya know?

Jessica and I went up to Omaha to see a show put on by some friends of hers from college on Saturday. I couldn’t remember what they called themselves before, I thought it was something like Angry Women or something like that, but the name is actually Beast Women. I guess they have been putting on shows for a while in Chicago, basically they are a place for women to showcase their various talents and whatnot and they have tryouts a few times a year to find fresh blood. It was… interesting? I guess that would be the best word for it. I enjoyed the show for the most part, even though we did part with a lot of money that we don’t really have to spend right now. There were eight performers, I don’t think all of them were from the A team of their normal show but some were. They did various things such as play the piano and sing, monologues, comedy, erotic haikus done by a older lady that is a dentist in her day job, and of course my favorite (and Jessica’s least favorite), the belly dancer girl who mixed belly dancing and pop n’ lock dancing. Ha! That was quite a sight, let me tell you! I gotta give the girl credit though, at least it was original, well original to me anyway, maybe that’s the new thing in the belly dancing world for all I know. Gotta give them all credit, at least they are getting out there and giving it a shot which is a lot harder than it sounds, I wouldn’t do it. Well maybe I would if I had a talent, but I don’t… at least not any stage-worthy talents anyway.

Sunday Jessica’s dad fixed up some Cajun shrimp, it was pretty good but I wish I could have enjoyed it more but I had very little appetite, my damn ear was hurting so bad it was aching down into my jaw and giving me a pressure headache on one side of my head. It’s feeling better now, I’ve got it down to when it flares up I can get it going on the mend within a day or so instead of having it last a week like it used to. At least until I run out of the ear medicine drops that is. I wish I could get the root cause taken care of but I need to wait until we find out whether Jessica has a job or not before I throw down multiple doctor money to find whatever kind of specialist I need to see. I wish I lived in a country that cared about the health of its citizens more than the financial health of its CEOs because then i wouldn’t be in a situation where my health insurance policy costs over $15,000 a year but still not be able to comfortably afford to see a goddamn doctor for a health problem that is supposedly not that difficult to treat. I might as well not have any insurance at all for all the good it does me.

1 thought on “Angry women.”

  1. Yeah…what you said… I hope you feel better and I’m glad you enjoyed your 4 day weekend!

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