Another day.

Well I am pretty sick of being cold for the time being. So sick of it that I took a couple days off for a nice 4 day weekend this weekend. I hope it’s like the 3 day weekend I took a month ago or so that felt like a week. I finally found out when I am switching shifts at work and going to graves. It will be on Sunday night the 18th. I am pretty excited about it to tell you the truth. I am up all night anyway for the most part not doing much of anything except looking at the internet and watching movies or whatever because I can’t sleep. Now I can do that at work and get paid for it, still go to sleep and get up around the same time I have been and have the whole afternoon to do things while it’s still light outside, and also have the weekends off. It’s pretty much the closest thing I can get to like being on the day shift without actually having to get up at the butt crack of dark. Not to mention the fact that every other week I will work the desk and not have to freeze my balls off all day. I am forgetting the fact for now that on the alternating week I will be freezing aforementioned balls off but hey, 50% less ball freezing sounds pretty good to me.

I went and ordered Windows Vista yesterday. Why? I am a sucker for trying the newest thing I guess. I know how it’s going to go. I am going to take a perfectly functional and fully operational computer that meets my wants and needs and then spend 2 weeks getting pissed off trying to get everything to work the way I want and finding updated software and drivers that are compatible. If after this time I get everything working I will keep it installed but bitch to myself every time I run it that it runs slower than XP did and they hid all the settings that I want to change. Most likely I will get ultra pissed off and go back to Windows XP until my current computer completely breaks and the new one I get doesn’t work with XP because it only has drivers for Vista. The whole process sounds super fun and somewhat familiar to when when I made the switch from Windows 2000 to XP. I got the Vista Home Premium update version at the student price of $69.95. I had to spend a little time forging a current official class schedule to send in since I stopped being a student in December. It turned out really nice, I’m going to have to edit it every quarter and take it down to the college to get a current sticker for my ID card so I can use the gym and stuff there. Also for student discounts and stuff around town.

I am still not smoking. It is getting a lot easier the longer I go. My weakness is when I’m out at the bar drinking so I haven’t really done that much lately. The last one I had was at work probably a couple weeks or so ago when I gave Mark an Indian Dollar for one. It was quite possibly the worst thing I have ever had and I couldn’t even finish it. The canker sores that I get from the stress of the nicotine fits have finally gone away too. Had a couple big ones that joined into a mega one right by my bottom lip that made life a hell so I couldn’t eat or drink anything. How long has it been since I started smoking anyway? Almost 17 years now. Although not heavily until I turned 18 because they were harder to get. Now to start hitting the gym again…

Let’s see what else is going on? Not much really. People have been stealing my bandwidth by hotlinking that Buffalo Bill Silence of the lambs picture from a while back and putting it on message boards and in MySpace comments. More and more people are starting to do it and it’s starting to get on my nerves so I swapped it out with a picture of Goatse instead. For those of you that don’t know what Goatse is that is a link to a nice article on Wikipedia explaining it (no graphic pictures on the Wikipedia site but they have links there to the gross stuff that I wouldn’t follow). Actually if you don’t know what Goatse is you would be better off. Thats all I have for now.

3 thoughts on “Another day.”

  1. Sorry to tell you this Bill, I haven’t payed for one of your products since 1997 when I got suckered into paying 200 bucks for Windows 95 on 13 floppy disks when I didn’t know anything about computers. Since then I have pirated Windows 95, Windows 98, Office 97, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Office XP, Windows XP, Office 2003 and Flight Simulator. I guess your goal to make piracy not work and make people pay for it worked for me. Not because I can’t pirate it, I just don’t feel like putting the effort to do so. What would make more people pay for your software is to make it a reasonable price instead of $400 freaking dollars.

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