Another day, another race and some turkey.

Well I went to Omaha to run in the Elkhorn Turkey Trot 5k with my Joe on Saturday. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It was so damn cold outside, about 30 degrees with a 20mph wind. I kind of took it easy and felt pretty good for the most part, better than I thought considering I haven’t been training as much as I should. Joe was ahead of me for the entire race but I made a run at him at the end and he ended up beating me by an arm length or so. We both officially got the same time though. 28 minutes and 27 seconds. Not my best time but considering the weather I’m fine with it. All I wanted to do for sure is beat the guy dressed in the turkey suit. $30 is too much to pay for a 5k though. In the race packet along with all the other junk I got the entrance paperwork for another Turkey Trot 5k next Saturday right by my house at the YMCA that I didn’t even know about. I’m entering that one too since it’s so close and I like entering races. They keep me motivated to train.

Here is a link to the results, and here is a link to all the data that came out of the fancy watch.


Afterward I left from Elkhorn and drove 2 hours to Genoa to have Thanksgiving at my parents house. My brother Adam showed up and we had a real good turkey dinner. My brother Pat didn’t come since he’s in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming and as usual Mom gave about 2 day’s notice of what was going on so I’m sure he couldn’t get things together in time to come. Hell I only live in Lincoln and I didn’t like using 2 weeks worth of gas to drive down there but I figured it would be my only chance at turkey this year. Ed and I were talking about ordering a turducken this year but we never got around to it. Anyway after eating I stayed for a while to watch the game until I started getting tired because my sleeping schedule was all messed up from getting up so early to race. Before I left I ended up getting some clippings to try and grow from the giant cactus that my grandparents used to have that my parents now have. I got it a nice little pot and set it under the “eternal light” in my living room. I call it my eternal light because I pretty much leave it on 7 days a week in order to keep my plants alive since no natural light can get into this dungeon apartment except in the middle of winter when the sun is low in the sky. It’s a compact florescent so it’s cheap to keep on. My electricity bill is like $30 a month. Hopefully it grows some roots and stays alive.


1 thought on “Another day, another race and some turkey.”

  1. Hey, what’s this “as usual” thing? I gave you enough notice for you to know that you wanted to come and eat turkey…anyway I’m glad you decided to come, it was nice to see you! We’re still eating leftover turkey. What’s left after today will go into the freezer. I hope you gave some to Brian. OK, that’s all…bye.

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