Anyone else itchy?

Because I am seriously going crazy with this wintertime dry air. I’m itching like I went through poison ivy or something. I suppose it would help if I didn’t shower 2-3 times a day but if I did that then I feel all nasty and that’s worse. I picked up a $12 vaporizer to add a little humidity to the air in here and that has helped a little bit I guess but not enough to make it completely go away.

I might have solved my “canker problem”. If you don’t know (and I don’t know why you would), ever since I quit smoking last January it seems like I have been getting continuous painful canker sores. They just come and go in various places in my mouth but never seem to be completely gone, they just move from place to place. Most of the time they appear in a place that makes it very painful to eat or drink anything and take forever to heal. I assumed that it was from the stress of quitting smoking that I was getting them but after doing some research I found that I might be sensitive to the sodium laurel sulfate that they put in almost all toothpastes. Basically sodium laurel sulfate is a cheap soaplike substance that doesn’t do anything to clean your teeth but gives you that foamlike consistency that makes the unwashed masses think that it’s doing something. Now that I think back I think I switched to a new gel type toothpaste around the time I quit smoking so that might have been my problem. Anyway it turns out that there are only six or so brands on the market that don’t contain this ingredient and they aren’t widely available. I ended up having to buy specifically “Maximum Strength Sensodyne Original Flavor” which I consider an “old person toothpaste”. It’s the same formula as it was in the sixties which basically means it tastes like ass. It’s like brushing your teeth with pulverized Pizza Hut mints which is great if you like mints (I don’t). Anyway so far the results are as soon as I started using it the big canker I had started to heal and another that was just starting and normally would get huge also healed right up. Excellent.

I checked out the gym area that they have in the clubhouse here in my complex and it’s not bad. It’s certainly not really nice and fancy and whatnot, it’s older just like everything in this complex but they have all the stuff you really need to get a work out in like a ski machine, treadmill, bike, freeweights and a weight machine along with TVs mounted to the wall to stare at while you’re doing it. Too bad the only time you can get in there is during office hours since I like to work out in the middle of the night when I’m not working. I guess I can start a schedule of going in when I wake up since it’s not a big ordeal to get in there. All I have to do is throw some clothes on and walk over to the next building instead of having to get all ready and drive somewhere.

I’m sure you’ve all been just mesmerized by my tales of skin and mouth problems as well as the musings about how I “might” go work out but most likely won’t. Hell, that’s what you get when you read the ramblings of a shut in with no girlfriend or social life to talk about. Maybe the problem isn’t me… Maybe the problem is that you’re taking the time to read the ramblings of a shut in with no girlfriend or social life. You should really get a life… loser.

2 thoughts on “Anyone else itchy?”

  1. Hey, I may be a loser, but you’re the one who has time to write it in the first place…I’m sure it doesn’t take as long to read as it does to write.

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