Moving is just awful.

Looking for a new house to rent sucks ass. I was really hoping that we could just stay here until we were good and ready to move, most landlords would love us, we pay early every month, don’t cause any trouble or want anything (other than the major stuff like having no toilet for a week). Apparently our landlords are getting a divorce so that might be contributing to the lack of response to anything from them. We have only dealt with the husband for everything but she technically owns the house so now he is saying that he wants nothing to do with it anymore and that she is our main contact now. That’s all well and good except for the fact that we have never dealt with her in any way whatsoever and don’t really have any contact information for her. Sucks. It would be really great if we could stay for one more month until Jessica’s friend’s rental becomes available but of course that can’t work out, why would it? We have been looking around everywhere and nothing is coming up. Well not nothing I guess, there is a house for rent on the same block as us but the location really sucks and it is kind of a dump. Well about the same amount of dumpiness that we are in now I guess, if our house is the second oldest in town it might be the oldest, or third oldest. It’s right up there. In many ways it is better though, fenced backyard, garage, the pictures of the interior look better than what we have now, but looking at it from the outside… man it’s a hole. At this point I’ve about had it with looking and I think we should just take it and be done with it. I would definitely love something better but I guess we have to accept the fact that we are poor white trash and can’t afford anything nice, or that anything nice that we can afford isn’t available right now. The property manager is a pain in the ass about it though, they won’t come show the inside of it without a rental application and $20 fee, and the application also says that the full deposit is required with the application. What the hell is that about? I’m not giving the deposit just to take a look at it. It’s bad enough that I need to pay $20 for a rental application. Stupid ass property managers, it’s so much better to deal with the actual owner when it comes to rentals.

Not related, but I’ve been playing around with my amateur photography skills (the key word here being amateur), so here are some pics of the day.

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