
Since I’m just sitting around here at work waiting for the phone to ring I thought I would critique some of the artwork around the lobby. I’ll put it below so the pictures don’t load up on the main page and slow it down. The titles given are not the actual titles of the artworks, just the way I think they should be titled.


“Dung beetle lady”

I don’t know if whoever drew this hated his great grandma or what but I don’t get it. Crawly bugs and a ball of poop on an old lady.



“Dead bird”

It appears that someone tortured this bird to death and then pinned it to a fence. I honestly don’t get it. Do hunters pin their birds to fences? Why is this in the lobby?



“Ugly airplane”

Well at least this is related to aviation, but damn it is ugly as hell. What is that, paper mache? Horrible.



“Convicted felon”

This is kinda neat I suppose. Some Indian felon with too much time on his hands drawing pictures on his letters to his friends. Someone then took the garbage and put it in a frame and sold it for a thousand times what it cost. This guy should be out fixing my highways instead of messing around drawing pictures.



“Red haired chick”

Who is this buck toothed red haired chick from the 70s? A former love interest of someone? She’s not even that hot. Well I guess I would do her, but then again I would do a hole in a tree at this point.



“Old magazine”

Good lord I hope they didn’t pay more than the cost of the frame for this one. Hell less than the cost of the frame because you have to go through the trouble of taking out the old magazine and throwing it away. Since when is framing some junk out of the garage of some deceased old man art? WTF?



“Junk car parts”

Good lord, how much money did the “artist” make on this one? This is just a junk hood painted up nice. If you look closely whoever created it did a shit job with the bondo and prep work. I guess cutting it in half in a nice line would be a little tough with a plasma cutter.

Anyway most of this stuff is a joke. I’ve had customers come through that say they always remember this FBO as “the one with the horrible artwork”

12 thoughts on “Art?”

  1. When your making sweet love to that tree watch out for the squirrels. They’re always after my nuts.

  2. Yeah, that is bad art! And as for the other thing…I never thought I had raised a tree-hugger…and what you choose to do with that is none of my business…as long as you don’t go into my favorite pizzeria and slice it off.

  3. Hey, I just tell the tree what it wants to hear. I do my business and move on. None of that hugging and cuddling stuff for me.

  4. Andy Andersen

    OK….you know what? you have no life. This art is good. Just because it doesnt suit your taste, does not mean it is bad and putting on the web that some indian guy is lower than you, is just poor taste. Just because someone is a felon does not mean they cannot be an artist and when you can do better art than any of the people you said had bad art, let me know.

  5. Nope you’re wrong. It’s crap. I’m not saying that the guy is lower than me because he’s an Indian, I’m saying he’s lower than me because he’s a worthless convicted felon and he needs to quit fucking around wasting my tax dollars drawing pretty pictures and lifting weights and needs to go out and fix my roads. I could throw my shit against the wall and make better “art” than this stuff. Oh and I also have no life, that’s absolutely true.

  6. Andy Andersen

    Than lets see what you got…How about you draw some pictures and see if they can sell for “a thousand times what they are worth”. Someone obviously thought it was good. Just because he is a convicted felon doesnt mean shit. Hes not worthless. Everbody is worth something to someone, and just because you dont appreciate his creative talent doesnt mean anything. And what the fuck is up with you and your desire to have him fix your roads?

  7. Believe me I am not alone in my opinion of this stuff. Also you can make all the intelligent arguments you want about felons and how they aren’t worthless garbage etc. etc. ad nauseum, and after all that I will still simply reply “Nope, you’re wrong.” Frustrating isn’t it? You’re also right that everybody is worth something to someone, and just because I don’t appreciate his creative talent doesn’t mean anything. It also means nothing to me that you do appreciate his talent and don’t think he’s a worthless piece of shit and a burden on society. You are free to tout that point of view all you want instead of talking about showing treasure trails. I’ll tell you the reason I want him working on my roads instead of fucking off. It’s because they have been working on the same 2 mile stretch of interstate between my house and work for going on 3 years now and maybe if he was helping out it would be finished.

  8. Andy Andersen

    First of all, why should he be the one to fix YOUR road? Isnt that something you should be helping with? And you dont have to appreciate him. Thats your call. But to say hes worthless to everyone, is a statement that just isnt true. Why is he a burden on society? Maybe he is helping society…Its not right to say that, to anyone and to say that about him when you dont even know him…is even worse.

  9. Are you kidding me? I do my part by working 60 hours a week and paying taxes to pay for “my road”. Why is he a burden on society? Is that a joke question? Being in prison for 5 years for 1st degree assault and assault with a deadly weapon at a cost to me and everyone else who does the right thing of $55 dollars a day? So you are saying the $119,355 dollars that was spent on this worthless piece of shit so he could draw pretty pictures on envelopes was not a burden on society? How do I know he’s a felon? Because the envelopes with his pretty pictures on them are stamped that they are coming from a felon. Not to mention you can read what he did right here and look at his nice mug shot. Not to mention that I’ll give 10 to 1 odds that he’s sitting on welfare or unemployment right now being a burden on society to this day. Could I be wrong and maybe he’s turned things around after prison? Sure, you bet. Do I believe it? Not a chance. Since you seem to know him then I guess you would know better than me but since he fucked up he will have to deal with people who think like me for the rest of his life. Since you have said nothing to aid your side of the discussion other than comments that would come from a friend or relative I think I will end this discussion now and just call this a difference of opinion that will not be resolved. Thanks for the comments guys!

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