Ask and you shall recieve!

Well I was “complaining” a couple posts ago about how I had too much money sitting around and it looks like my problem has been solved! Since the country has been driven into a ditch and the economy is in the shitter my employer is giving me a (ballpark) 6% pay cut, discontinuing the 401k match, discontinuing my tuition reimbursement and discontinuing raises until further notice. Other things too of course but those are the things that directly affect me. It sucks but it’s better than getting laid off. I know people are angry about things like Citibank buying a new $50 million dollar Falcon 7X and making them cancel the order. I am less enthused at that prospect however since Duncan Aviation has the contract to install the interiors on most of those brand new 7X’s and has spent a great deal of money putting the infrastructure in place to do so over the past year. Naturally that and the general disdain by the public towards business aviation in general has caused quite the nosedive in business around here. Oh well, hopefully all this stimulus talk will do something constructive and pull the economy out of the shitter. I’m in good shape since I already handle my money just fine and could easily sustain an even worse cut in pay if it came down to it. Others are talking about getting a second job but I am wondering how realistic that is when you have a couple thousand people from the same company that you work for who all taking pay cuts as well thinking the same thing. That’s not to mention the rest of the population who are having people who are actually getting laid off who want those same jobs.

Since karma seems to be listening though I’ll throw this out there. “I’m not banging near enough supermodels lately”. There, now in a couple weeks I fully expect to have the problem of having too many supermodels wanting my junk and not enough time in the day to take care of them.

2 thoughts on “Ask and you shall recieve!”

  1. 8,000 people to be let go from Sprint … 45% of the group I’m in will be let go (oh, oh)… pension plan was eliminated in 2006, no pay raises for the last couple of years, 401K match eliminated, they’ve stopped providing styrofoam cups for water or coffee, and you have to buy your own pencils.

    On the good side … I’ve been banging a super model for over 25 years!

  2. Well cross your fingers that you are one of the 55% that aren’t let go I guess. I’m not aware if they’ve eliminated the styrofoam cups around here since I have my own cup that I use. I’m still not having an issue with any supermodels yet. Maybe next week.

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