August 31st!

That’s the due date. We went to the doctor for the first time yesterday and went through the initial pregnancy checkup stuff. We weren’t expecting to have an ultrasound done but they did one and got to see the baby for the first time. The little sucker was rocking and rolling in there doing the twist, a lot more active than I thought it would be at 9 weeks. You could see the heart beating and could make out the limbs and fingers. Everything is looking good for the most part, so far it looks healthy but we will know more after the next appointment next month when they will do some more tests to make sure everything is ok, might be able to tell the sex then too, I can’t remember for sure. It got a hell of a lot more real for me actually seeing it move around. Nothing really seemed all that different to me other that Jessica was occasionally insane for no apparent reason. It’s not like she’s showing or anything yet so it didn’t really hit me until now. Here’s the pictures and video that we got from the doctor.

We are really happy and excited. I hope the baby comes out healthy and has the correct number of appendages in all the right places.

3 thoughts on “August 31st!”

  1. So nice of you to share Steve! I love being a part of this wonderful experience, even if I am so far away. Keep the updates coming!

  2. There was no heartbeat audio. In the second one you can see the heart beating pretty good (at least in the higher quality original video anyway). It’s too small to hear the heartbeat yet.

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