Aych, aye, double el oh, double you, double e, en, spells Halloween!

That’s just a little kids song that I learned in grade school that I think of whenever Halloween comes around. I didn’t do a damn thing for Halloween. Hell I wouldn’t have known it was Halloween at all had it not been for the drunken guy I passed going down the stairs when I was doing laundry who had a shirt that said “One guy, one cup” on it, and what appeared to a dookie substitute smeared all over it. If you don’t get what that means right off the bat I would suggest that you not even ask or think of it again since humanity is better off without it. It made me laugh though. It was original I guess. Anyway I had exactly zero kids come to the door trick or treating which is why I bought exactly zero candy.

School has started again after a week off. The whole reason I went back to school was so I could get out of the stupid ass “book clubs” that they make us do at work. Now I’m in this damn class and on top of the textbook we have to read 4 of the goddamn book club books anyway and write reports on them. Sonofabitch! I hate school so much. Why do I do it? Stupidity is encouraged in this country anyway so why don’t I just go with the flow?

I eat out way too much. One of the advantages of tracking every cent that you make and spend is that I can actually look up how much is way too much. 231 times since the beginning of the year. 231 times in 304 days at an average cost of $7.40 a pop when you include tax. Considering the fact that I only eat twice a day that is almost to the point of being ridiculous. 38% of all the meals I eat are fast food and I’m almost not even aware of it. No wonder when I stop working out for a week or two I gain back weight so damn fast, and it’s also no wonder I feel like shit a lot of the time. I’ve decided to not eat any fast food at all for the whole month of November and see how well I handle it. They say it takes a month for new habits to set in so maybe that’s one I can make stick and start eating real food again.

I’m 6 months away now from the Lincoln Marathon and I’m going to start slow now and work my way up slowly to run the full marathon in early May. I know I was started again a couple weeks ago but I kind of fell off of it for the last week or so. I felt kind of under the weather and didn’t feel much like doing it. Plus I haven’t actually written up the day by day plan yet so doing that would help to keep me on track.

ANTS! The ants are back again trying to find food and warmth now that it’s getting colder. I repelled the last strike from the front door area and now they are being more sneaky. I don’t know where they are entering but they are traveling under the carpet and baseboards out of sight and then making their first appearance in the middle of the damn apartment from a wall molding and then trying to go right across the expanse of carpet to get to the kitchen with little success. They don’t appear to do well on carpet at all so they aren’t having great success at anything other than getting vacuumed up. Anyway I shot some of the gel in the crack and there was a mass of them working at it so this group should all be dead shortly. If anyone has any issues with ants you should try the Combat ant killing gel. Works great. Just follow their trail back as far as you can to the source and shoot some in their path in a crack someplace so pets can’t get to it and then forget about it. They take it back and feed the other ants and the queen and within a couple of days… no more ants. Good stuff.

I don’t have much else right now. The Huskers are playing Oklahoma tonight and I hope they play well but I have a feeling that OU is going to leave a big mushroom print on our foreheads and just light us up. I’m thinking they are going to hang half a hundred on us at least. Oh well, at least we only have to win one of the three games after that to go to a bowl and that’s an improvement on last year. I sure wish we could win the north though since the Big 12 championship is in Kansas City this year. I guess it’s still possible… if we win out and Missou loses one. Possible but not probable. Go Big Red.

1 thought on “Aych, aye, double el oh, double you, double e, en, spells Halloween!”

  1. Ants are smart. Make sure they don’t fight back and try to put that food in your cereal. Or fast food rather. Respect the ants. Maybe you can live in peace with the ants. Don’t piss them off. Ants rule! jayballs out.

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