Back to the grindstone

Greetings all. How has everyone been? Did you enjoy the little heat wave that rolled through Nebraska? I definitely got a good taste of what the summer could be like. On the nearly 100 degree day I was at work and was outside for the afternoon working with 4th graders, about 130 of them! My maternity uniform, as unflattering as it is, does breathe well…so there’s that. By the end of the day, with the combo of just beginning to get my groove back with working with kids and the heat, pretty much wasted me. I’ve been so spoiled getting to stay at home.

Steve and I met with our future pediatrician. My judgment about doctors thus far has been, well, questionable. The doctor we met with I like and she has experience and good credentials. I also like the fact that she seems pretty down to earth and has a good humor about her. Not like the nightmare woman at the OB’s office who feigns being capable after 30 years of experience, which I bought into – thank goodness it’s going to be her husband birthing the baby because if it were her she’d probably arrive right on time, to the wrong room and try to birth an intern. The pediatrician is probably around my sister’s age and I think I can definitely communicate with her better. So, we’ll see.

I finally arranged a date day for Steve and I. He has been reminding me about how he always chooses what we’ll do and I don’t. So, I found something for us to do. I kept it a surprise until we got there. We drove about an hour and a half to the event and when he saw the sign, his face was hysterical, the sign said Nebraska Renaissance Fair. I’m sorry to say but this event was a rather cut rate version of what I envision a Renaissance fair to be. Neither one of us had ever been to one of these before. The people watching was superb. It seemed that there was a confusion of theme between mid-evil and pirate. I saw a rather large very tall gal that was wearing this black bustier/corset that literally pushed her boobs up and out like giant Legs pantyhose eggs, right below her neck! She could rest her chin on them. Then when she turned around her back cleavage was as equally impressive. Then there was a guy running around doing a drunken Jack Sparrow impression or annoyance. I really wondered where, at the end of the day, the people in costume go. By day, hung over costumed, pirate talking/irish kind of accented Renaissance like characters. By night, stumbling bar flies? Actually, another rather large short woman in all the mid-evil regalia started talking to me in the bathroom about how she was an accountant at some college I’d never heard of. I was washing my hands and in my head I was thinking why is she talking to me. I said, “Well it must be nice to have an event like this to cut loose.” And in my head I’m thinking she is a little off. It was something to do I guess. I did eat a turkey leg which was good and Steve had a corn dog. Out of a 1 to 10 rating of this event, I give it a 3. But, going with Steve and experiencing this together made for excellent commentary and good fun.

3 thoughts on “Back to the grindstone”

  1. aaaah “Ren Fairs”…I went to one in Colorado and had all the very same experiences you did, except the restroom part. I STILL wonder where those people go when they’re not in full regalia screaming in those weird, off accents and handing out turkey legs or “jousting”. It’s really something everyone should see, once. I’m glad you went, good choice!

  2. Jessica Korgie

    Indeed Janice, everyone should go at least once! We missed the joust. Apparently they had three…in the course of the entire day. I saw the “jousters” hanging out, all two of them. One guy was a big Mr. Clean looking dude whose armor was too small. The other guy looked like he’d rather be kicking around the hacky sack and the armor just kind of hung off him!

  3. So where are the pictures? I’ve never been to one of those either. Glad you had fun.

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