Beards are better in theory than in practice.

I don’t know why I get such an urge to grow a beard but as soon as I have one I want to shave it off. Yes I shaved off my beard again. It probably didn’t help that I was growing it during the hottest part of the year. I have no idea why I started so early, I was supposed to start it on the first of September and even that is too early. Who knows.

This morning was such a nice morning. Actually cool for the first time in a while. I went out and ran 5 miles and it went ok I guess, better than the 2 miles I ran on Thursday morning when I felt like I was going to get sick and pass out. I’m in a lull in my motivation a little bit but I’ve got to keep at it.

I was trying to get some things done today but I kind of pooped out a little bit. It takes a couple days for me to switch back to being awake in the daytime again and in the meantime I feel pretty lethargic and not really awake or sleepy, just shitty.

School starts back up again next week. I’m almost debating dropping out of school again. I just want it to be done. It really isn’t a good idea though because the tax credits for Juniors and Seniors that matches the one that was previously only for Freshman and Sophomores is only temporary so I will just end up having to pay that money in taxes later and then when I do go back not have them be in effect.

I want to do something fun. I was looking for bungee jumping places in Nebraska but I couldn’t find any. I recall seeing them around before in the past but it was one of those traveling outfits that unloaded their stuff in a parking lot somewhere and then packed up and moved on at the end of the day. I’ll have to write put that on my bucket list. What the hell happened to my bucket list anyway? I actually had one at one time.

What is it about the internet that makes everyone want to tell you their opinion on politics? Everyone wants to let you know about how much more they know than you do and how naive you are for believing what you believe because they saw or heard that one thing from that guy, you know who I’m talking about, and how he said everything was going to hell in a handbasket because that thing that they don’t agree with is happening. I’m done discussing politics. I think that the old saying that you should never discuss sex, politics, or religion in polite company is a very wise saying indeed. There are plenty of people that I get along with just fine and they get along just fine with me and everything is just hunky dory until you start talking about that crap. In the grand scheme of things your opinion doesn’t matter and neither does mine so shut the hell up and go vote on election day and be done with it. Just let it go already and talk about something else.

Random post today…

1 thought on “Beards are better in theory than in practice.”

  1. I agree wholeheartedly with that statement “don’t discuss sex, politics, or religion in polite company”…instead (being a new grandma) I’ll talk about my grandchild…I have pictures LOL! (Something else it is…haha)

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