Been a while.

I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I actually sat down and wrote an actual post other than a post full of baby videos (speaking of which there’s a bunch more that I need to put up, along with some pictures). I guess I have been pretty drained since Jessica went back to work full time in March, I’ve been doing daddy day care on Saturday, Sunday and Mondays which means that twice a week I have to switch from nights to days and back again and pretty much miss a night of sleep per week. 6 sleep cycles instead of 7 and most of the time I don’t sleep very well during the times that I have available. I’m thinking of getting some Lunesta so that I can fall asleep and stay asleep during the times that I do have available instead of only being really tired about a half hour before I need to leave for work.

I finally graduated from college! Well, I don’t have my diploma in hand yet, have to wait a month or so for them to mail it to me so they can cross all their t’s and dot all their i’s and make doubly sure I actually did graduate since the semester ended about 10 hours before the actual graduation ceremony and I just finished my final class. I actually thought the graduation from community college was more impressive, we had the Lt. Governor at that one (who shortly after became governor) and everything seemed to run more smoothly. The Peru State one was… I don’t know, not as well orchestrated in my opinion, and the VIP was some random state senator who didn’t even give a speech, and it was freakin’ HOT in there. My parents, Jessica’s parents and of course Jessica and Alexander were there to cheer me on. I was near the end since they went by type of degree and the Bachelor of Applied Science graduates were last. It’s weird how nervous you can get for that sort of thing, the whole time beforehand I was going “shake, take, move tassel, pose, smile” but I still managed to forget to switch my tassel over to the left side before I got my picture taken. Oh well, who cares right? I finished summa cum laude with a 3.91 GPA and now I’m done after a solid decade since I started. Now I’m getting a whole lot of “So what are you going to do now?” questions, that and “So are you going to go and get your masters?” The answer to those are I have no idea, and no. It’s not like the job market is all that great right now and also I like where I work for the most part. As for the Masters degree, I think I should make some use of the degrees that I’ve already got first. There’s no use for a Masters if what you’re doing doesn’t even require what you already have, ya know?

I’m a running fool this year, I just did my third half marathon of the year and I think I am now leading the entire company in the Duncan 50k competition that my work is running where you compete in timed races through the course of the year to reach 25, 50 or 100k distances. I think I’m at around 90k or so total a couple months in and I think the competition runs through October. I’m also doing the Duncan Ironman for the next couple weeks as well. I’m doing the platinum level which is the hardest one of 26.2 miles of running, 112 miles of biking and 6 circuit training sessions over a two week period. They have three different levels of difficulty and they enter the finishers of each into a drawing for different prizes. The prize for the one I’m doing is a Kindle Fire and I figure I’ve got a decent shot at it since there can’t be that many people who are doing the platinum level. It’s not that hard, I’ve completed the platinum level before when there was nothing to get for it except the t-shirt so it’s kind of cool to have a chance at a good prize as well. I’m doing a 5k in a couple weeks and another 2 half marathons next month in Norfolk and Kearney and then I’ll probably slow down some over the summer because it’s too hot. I’ll just ride the bike or something.

Other than there’s not that much going on right now. To tell you the truth I’ve got some baby fatigue, everything revolves around the baby and it seems impossible to do anything else or spend any time with Jessica. It’s just tough to do anything together because of our work schedules right now. I got kind of down about it last night because I had been excited about getting a bicycle for Jessica and going out together, towing Alexander in the baby trailer that we got from Jessica’s sister but I tested it out and Alexander is just too small for it this year. He tips over to one side, his helmet slides over his eyes and then he panics and screams as he chokes himself with the seat belt. I had hoped to rig up a way to put his car seat in there, which actually works quite well, but he isn’t able to wear the helmet because it’s too thick in the back for him to sit in the seat correctly so it’s a no go. What this all means is that it’s pointless to get the bike for Jessica (at least this year) because we can’t go out together because someone has to stay home with Alexander. It also means that I can’t go out and ride either when I’m by myself doing daddy day care which sucks. I don’t know why the situation got me so down, I guess I was just looking forward to it after I pulled the kid trailer out and put it all together and cleaned it up. Wait till next year when he’s bigger I guess.

1 thought on “Been a while.”

  1. Steve, you made me smile this morning and I love you! It’s just so entertaining for me to read about your adventures in life! I read what you write and I think back to when I had little kids around, and I remember what it was like for me too. You just have to keep doing what you’re doing, because once you think you have it all figured out, everything changes. Enjoy it while you can because kids grow up fast…it doesn’t seem like it now, but once they grow up and move away you miss them. It sounds like you’re doing a very good job with the daddy day care though! And it won’t be long before you can get a bike for X and he’ll enjoy it too. Anyway, we’re proud of you for graduating from college, you’re the most educated one in our whole family! Keep up the good work with everything else you’re doing too. We love you guys, bye for now. Mom

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