Before I forget… it’s Vegas part 6, the final chapter!

I need to get this posted before I forget the details of the trip at all. I don’t seem to have the time or energy to post as much as I want to, it seems like I’m busy all the time, and if I’m not busy… I’m tired. I’m going to get even more tired pretty soon because I’m going to start picking up all the overtime I can get to plump up the finances a little bit and get some other things taken care of before the baby gets here. I gave Jessica an account to post things of her own on here. It might give her a little bit of an outlet when she gets bored being at home so much in the Winter and it gives me a break from having to post all the time in order to keep my readership up. Jessica and I got new glasses the other day. She needed them pretty bad because hers were kind of bent and all scratched up, and I wanted something new to freshen up the style a little bit after having the same thing for almost 5 years now. If I would have thought ahead I would have bought the glasses insurance for this year and then canceled it at the end of the year because it cost a fortune, about $850 or so for both of us. We did get the good ones though and I like them so I guess it’s worth it. Jessica will get her’s in a week or two because she has astigmatism and needs special lenses put in, and I got mine the same day.

On to the last part of the Vegas trip. It’s been so long that I’m starting to forget the details of what happened. After the wedding we took our rentals back and went down to Downtown Vegas, specifically Fremont Street where Kim & Terry were staying. Fremont Street is the older part of Vegas compared to most of the stuff on the strip. The casinos were a little older and the people seemed a little seedier if that is possible but it just gave off a different vibe, personally I like it better. We met up with Kim and Terry and went to a buffet to eat, it was pretty good for a buffet. Terry was pretty much hammered when we got there, it was pretty funny, every time I’ve seen him in my entire life he has always been pretty straight laced. Oh well it’s Vegas, the place to have a good time. I am known as being straight laced most of the time too but there have been plenty of times where I have gotten myself into trouble as well. It doesn’t happen all that often anymore though, I’m kind of an old soul and have acted responsible far sooner than most. After eating we walked down Fremont Street. They had zip lines installed that traveled down the middle of the street for a couple blocks, I should have done that. I always regret it later when I don’t. We went into a couple casinos and gambled a bit and then watched the light show that they have every half hour or so over the street. They play all kinds of different songs and shows, we happened to catch “American Pie”.

Not much to the rest of the night, we did the typical casino things and then called it a night and wished Kim and Terry well on the rest of their trip back home. We were glad that they could make it up for our wedding and I hope they had a good time in their unscheduled stop in Vegas.

The next day was our last day in Vegas. Jessica and I just spent the day on foot walking up and down the strip since it was Ed and Shellie’s day to have the car. What little gambling that we did on the trip was done in the various casinos. I had the best luck on the comically oversized slot machine. I had 3 pulls on it and won all 3 times making my dollar turn into 12 dollars. Jessica didn’t have good luck and pretty much lost everything that she put in in a short amount of time.

The biggest thing of the day I suppose was going up to the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Casino. It was a pretty cool view of the city, too bad that the fountains at the Bellagio didn’t run while we were up there because they were right there.

That’s about it for the trip! Pretty exciting huh? Too bad there will be no more fun things for the next 18-22 years… That’s all I’ve got for now, see ya!

2 thoughts on “Before I forget… it’s Vegas part 6, the final chapter!”

  1. Oh, that’s not true that you won’t have any fun for the next 18-22 years…it will just be a different kind of fun than you’re used to. Now it’ll be more playing kid games, reading stupid books, playing peek-a-boo, taking walks to the park, and so on…

  2. Great ending to a wonderful beginning! We had a great time seeing, (and Terry said to tell you he wasn’t hammered, just having a great time!!) I know he DID have a couple beers before we saw you–they ARE free–and he was feeling very happy. :)
    Can’t wait to see the new glasses!!

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