Better late than never.

Well I’m a little behind on this post but oh well. I ran the Platte River Team Triathlon on Sunday. It wasn’t near as exciting of a finish as it was last year where the two department teams finished within a minute overall of each other. This year we got smoked. I got a last minute replacement for my teammate since Ed and Shellie had their baby. Plus I think Ed was looking for an excuse to get out of it anyway. Anyway Jeff came through in a pinch to fill in and we went against Dave and Lloyd. I ended up finishing about eight minutes faster than I did last year in the run but still came in almost dead last because there weren’t any super slow runners like there were last year. I finished in the slower end of my estimate since I hadn’t run at all for the previous two weeks before the race. I hurt myself a couple weeks ago and took some time off and just didn’t start back up again. This of course led to a hefty side stitch so I couldn’t breathe and slower time than I wanted. It was still fun though. I finished 90/95 in the run, 57/95 in the boat, and Jeff finished 74/95 on the bike for a grand total of 79th place overall. Lloyd and Dave finished in 37th place which is pretty good since there are a lot of serious hard core people who enter this race.

I’m taking this week off and I’m going to design my new training plan over the weekend to focus more on speed for next year. I’ll start that next week.

Here’s a link to the results. The data that came out of the gps watch can be found here for the run, and here for the canoe part. I don’t have Jeff’s bike section because he wasn’t wearing the watch.

Here’s all the pictures I have, if I get more later I will post them.


P.S. – Is everyone else getting as sick of all the election and politics crap as I am? I wish November 4th would just get here already because I’m sick of hearing about it.

3 thoughts on “Better late than never.”

  1. Yeah, I was really sick of it all 6 months ago already. I think I’ll go for the lesser of 2 evils…the one who won’t cost ME as much (not the one who claims to be “my friend” “my friend” “my friend”). You know, if the election weren’t already rigged, it would really be fair to have ALL of the candidates in the debates, not just 2, don’t you think? Instead, we have only 2 that all the late nite talk show hosts make fun of. But that’s what’s great about America right? Just the fact that they can make fun of them makes us a free country. I’d much rather live here than any other country. Oh yeah, congradulations on not coming in dead last in your race Steve!

  2. Oooh don’t let grandma hear you say that. I finally had to tell her that if she sends me one more political email about how ignorant and uninformed I am for not choosing her preferred candidate that I was going to block all her emails until at least November 5th. For the moment the torrent has abated but I think it’s just because she’s at a convention in Des Moines.

  3. Hm, in that case I’m glad I never got into this discussion with her. I got my mail-in ballot…it’s stuck on the ‘frig’ with a big magnet. I usually refrain from political discussions altogether…none of them is my preferred candidate. 8 years ago I just knew that Hilary would be in this election…then where did Obama come from? I never heard of him until about 2 years ago. And who thinks that Sarah would be a good president? If Obama wins, some dumb ass will probably try to assignate him…hope he has sense enough to wear a vest when he’s out in public…Oh yeah, I never voted for Bush!

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