Black Friday, er… Saturday. Whatever.

Not a all encompassing post tonight, I’m just pleased is all so I thought I would write a quickie. I went down to Scheels to look at some treadmills since mine is noisy and sucks. They were nice but too expensive. Maybe I’ll look on Craigslist for a nice one that is gathering dust. Anyway I looked in the clearance shoes and what do you know? They actually have the brand of running shoe that I wear and in my size too! And what’s this? Buy one pair and get another for half off? Sweet! They had 2 pairs of what I wear. Since the damn shoes retail for $120 and they were on sale for $100 if I got them both it would cost me $75 a pair (average). A savings of $45 a pair! Not bad, I don’t need new shoes yet but that’s a good deal and there’s never any deals when I do need new shoes. Anyway I took them through the checkout along with a new balaclava for when I’m freezing my balls off at work and they rang up for full price and I was like nonononono. These are on clearance, see? And this one is supposed to be half off too. She was like sorry and pushed a bunch of buttons and the total was then more in the range where it should have been but I didn’t really pay attention that close. When I went to enter it in the computer later I noticed that she priced both pairs at $50 a piece instead of only one! I ended up saving like $150 bucks total over the full price so… Sweet! I need to run more so I can actually use them now.

Another good thing is that the door on my truck is magically latching and closing again on its own after being broken for ohhhh… 2 or 3 years? I still need a whole new door but it kinda works sorta which is good news. I just need to string together 2 or 3 good days like this and I could really have something!

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