
Boy time flies doesn’t it? It’s been a month now since I put something up. I guess it’s because I am pretty miserable and don’t have anything new to post. The new boss that I have that I thought was ok turned out to be a total dick. It sucks so bad to go to work now. The guy couldnt manage his way out of a paper bag. Add to that the fact that we are swamped with more work than we can ever finish without working 80 hours a week and me and another guy are the only qualified ones there to do it. I’ve got the flu right now but I am not allowed to call in sick like everyone else can. Apparently I am so important that the place will grind to a halt without me. Funny how when it comes to more money I am not that important at all. That’s the way it is at almost every job I’ve ever had. I put in an application at Duncan Aviation for the fuel team. It’s not what I wanted and it doesn’t pay much more than I get now but I can move up from there and test for my A&P licence and make some decent money. I think I am going to move out of this place. I think having a change of scenery will give me a little boost. I thought about moving back to Columbus but I decided not to. There isn’t really any work there besides factory crap. A friend at work told me about the apartments she lives at in the Havelock area of Lincoln. Only $370 a month for rent for a one bedroom which I can afford and the utilities are cheaper than I pay here even though I pay half the bills here. I just need to have my own place again so I have some say over my own home and have some privacy. Just waiting to hear back from them to see if they allow pets.

As you can see I upgraded the site with the newest version of wordpress. I don’t know if I will stick with this theme or use something totally different but this works for now. You now need to log in to post comments though. Sorry about that but I am getting sick of all the spammers that put up advertisements for texas hold-em, and cialis and other crap in the comments area. That’s all I have for now. I will try to get out of the funk I am in and update more.

2 thoughts on “Bleh..”

  1. Let me know how that A&P thing works out. I wanted to get into the aircraft thing…I miss it sometimes. But I’ll admit this 911 dispatch stuff is easy, interesting, and pays somewhat well. Everything is still the same in Chas…not too much ever changes.

  2. I guess the aircraft thing was one of the jobs that interested me the most. Basically now though it is the only thing that will get me a job that pays good enough money to live comfortably and not be poor like I am now. I didn’t even know that you were a 911 dispacher. Maybe I did but I forgot about it. Sounds like you though, you always had your car all tricked out with the lights and sirens for that volunteer fireman thing.

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