Book reviews.

Well I read a couple books this week. The first one was Diary of a Husker by David Kolowski. I’ve been meaning to get to this one for a while. One because I am a Husker fan and B because it’s been talked about on the radio and stuff and I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. I’ve got to tell you I was pretty disappointed in this one. I expected quite a bit more actual writing that turned into, oh I don’t know, a story maybe? Instead what the majority of this was was a word for word diary that was pretty boring. The whole thing was pretty much the date and then “Today I had to go lift at 6:30 AM and I upped my max on my squats by 10 pounds. Then I skipped class. In the afternoon we had practice and so and so got in a fight and the coaches suck for so and so reason. I got $10 for food.” I suppose it was ok reading the process of Solich running the program into the ground since this guy started right after Solich got the job and finished right when they did the first round of firings the year before Solich got canned completely but I really can’t recommend this one to anyone but the most hard core fan. I think it could have been so much better if they made it less like a journal and more like a story. There were a few tidbits here and there that told some behind the scenes stuff that differed from the public story such as why Thunder Collins left the team so that kind of stuff was halfway interesting. On a 1 to 10 scale I give this one a 6.

The book that I just finished up is called Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman by Richard Feynman. I had no particular reason to read this book, it was pretty much a random grab off the shelf. The guy who it was about was a winner of the Nobel prize for physics and was “known for expanding the theory of quantum electrodynamics, the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, and particle theory.” He also liked playing the bongos and smoking pot so he has something in common with Matthew McConaughey I guess. He was also involved with the Manhattan Project working to make the atomic bomb. I’ve got to tell you this book is all over the place. It’s almost written in a stream of consciousness sort of way where it just goes from one thing to another with seemingly nothing interconnecting anything at all. It was a relatively interesting book though. A lot of it was way over my head specifically stuff like what he was lecturing about when Einstein came to hear him speak but you have to admire the way this guy did a lot of other random stuff in his life that was just way out there. Sort of a reconnaissance man I guess. He also seems like he would have been a good professor to have teach you because he was able to make people understand what he was talking about instead of just memorizing a book. I always liked having teachers like that. Not to mention he was the spitting image of Neil Diamond and how pimp is that?

I give this one a 7. It could have been higher had the story been written in a more logical way but it was still a good read.

Now I need to go back and get some more books to read since I only grabbed two. Hopefully the book nazis from the college don’t start harassing me about my thoughts on books like they do about art. I’m sure I will be getting a letter from some Dean of a literature department now telling me what a dumbshit I am.

1 thought on “Book reviews.”

  1. Neil is America’s Greatest singer/songwriter and he’s my hero. No one will ever match his pure sexiness. I mean, just look at that chest hair.

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