Busy bee takes a break

Greetings All. It feels like I’ve been on the go for three weeks straight…oh wait, I have been. Steve has already commented on our celebration, but I’d like to add my two cents in there. I had such a fabulous time. I love my family and friends so much and am completely humbled by them. So many people travel so many miles to celebrate with us, what can I say but thank you. I hope everyone had as good of time as I did. I understand the art of the reception now. I had snippets of conversation with everyone, but no time to really chat extensively with anyone…that indeed is a bit of a bummer.

I appreciate all that my mom and her posse did to help make this celebration special and am thankful for my dad and cousin Tim who can really fix some great meats.
It would be a small novel if I went on about my appreciation for all that either helped with the party or attended so I’ll just umbrella my sentiments with a toe scuffing “Ah Gee, thanks guys.”

A week before our party, I had a friend come down from Michigan that I hadn’t seen for over three years. It was great to see her, but I realized how truly lame-o I am now. I’d get off work and would be able to hang for a little bit, then bedtime. I’ll make it up to you lady once this kid is birthed. But she did get a good taste of the good life here in Nebraski, and let’s not forget the tornado she lived through. When I was at work she tottled over to the Roca Tavern and a good ole Nebraska driving rain and wind storm hit. I do believe they told her it was a tornado and I do believe they may have turned off the power to emphasize that she must not leave! And fed her drinks in the dark and apparently some excellent conversation. Meanwhile, power was on at home, basically kitty corner to the bar. Oh those Roca Taverners.

After a few days, still before the party, two more friends came in early from Michigan. It was so great of them to get in a night early and stay with Steve and I, otherwise I wouldn’t have had anytime to catch up with them during the party weekend! It was so nice to have them, in the flesh, at our house, laughing, eating and having a good time. I so wanted to slosh a few back myself, so much temptation… Steve and I haven’t really had anyone over so this was such a wonderful treat!

My sister and brother-in-law, nephew and niece flew in for the party. It is always too long between visits. Fortunately Sista and the kids stayed on after the party and I was able to stay in Harlan for the next few days to hang out with them and my folks. Unfortunately my brother-in-law had to fly back right away and Steve had to get back to work leaving us girls to our own devices. We took the kids to the Alma public pool and I dawned a swimsuit for the first time with this svelte bod. I was a floating eye soar! The kids had an awesome time and my Nephew jumped off the diving board for the first time, no fear! And then he jumped repeatedly after that, got some good pics. Sista even got into the act, just like when we were kids at our pool. She did the drunken sailor off the edge and tried a few of the more difficult maneuvers off the spring board. Throwing caution, and unfortunately age, to the wind. How’s the limp Sista? I think I’ll frame the picture I took of her attempting a spead eagle toe touch.

I finally came back to Roca, because I had to work the next day, so I did. Then I had my first appointment that night with a midwife. Yep, I dropped my douche of an OB and signed on with a midwife group. It is all new to me and I never thought I’d be the kind of gal to go this route, but I am. I got to their clinic (do you call it a clinic? It looks like any other doctor’s office, just a little more homey) at 7:00, imagine that – an evening appointment! I found out my previous OB hadn’t released my records yet, which I made the request about two weeks before this appointment, the midwife said, “He’s being a stinker.” Apparently the OB has a real problem with the midwives, or so I’ve heard. Perhaps he loses a lot of business to them because they are so awesome and he is such a creep. Anyway she put her hands on my belly and was like, “Oh, here is his bottom and backbone and his head,” and had me feel as well. Then she listened to his heartbeat for a while, while both talking then not talking. From that his heart rate would increase while she talked, then decrease while she was quite. From the baby’s heartbeat she told me he is definitely getting enough oxygen, his hearing is good, and his neurological development is great because he is reacting to voices which reflects in his heartbeat. Neat!

I’ve worked seven days in a row from the day my sister left town, and now today, finally after three weeks of on the go, I have a day to do what ever I want. And the first thing I wanted was to post here, drink a leisurely cup of joe, and then work on what ever I want to. Maybe if I’m off my feet they will go back to normal size, oh the swell swell, the cankles of glory. Have a good day everyone.

2 thoughts on “Busy bee takes a break”

  1. Well, I’m glad you have a day off…enjoy it! Put your feet up and relax…go sit in the sun (until it gets too hot)…or go swimming…or run through the sprinkler…ha. Anyway…give me a call or something…I’m home. Mom

  2. Uniform Police

    That second to last sentence is not going to make me stop enforcing the Uniform Code. Nice try!

    A fun read and thanks for including me in the party.

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