
Well I went over to Warren and Judy’s place today before work but I missed out on the food because it wasn’t going to be ready until 2. Of course I had to work from 2 to 10 tonight. Sucks sucks sucks. Just about nothing happened tonight and it was really boring. We had Andy Roddick come in on a Lear for the game tomorrow though. Not that I gave a shit but Kramer was about to make out with him or something he had such a man crush. I had no idea who it even was, looked just like any of the other rich pompass asswipes that get off these jets. Cram had to go “Do you know who that was?” I’m like uhh no. “That was Andy Roddick!” Who? “Andy Roddick! He’s like the number 1 or 2 tennis player in the world! He’s BIG!” Not to me he isn’t was my response to that. I mean really who gives a crap about tennis? Maybe if it was Agassi back when he had long hair and was a rebel and was cool. Not the current old bald Agassi. Well I better go to bed. I was hoping there would be a turkey dinner leftover from Kasey’s parents in the fridge when I got home but alas, the fridge is empty. Kasey must not have come back here after being there. Probably went to Shannon’s house instead. I now have little faith that the plate of food Judy was going to make for me will make it into my belly. Holidays suck.

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