
Well the trip is all set up and paid for, on to Vegas on January 3rd, back to stupid old Nebraska on the 7th . I was super excited when we decided to go but paying for it dampens my mood a skoshe because I’m such a cheap ass. It just hurts me to throw eight hundred on the credit card for something that is three months away especially when I have to pay another tuition bill in a couple weeks. Oh well, you only live once I guess, I could have that money in the bank and I could look at how pretty it looks in Quicken in between stretches of staring at the wall at home waiting to go back to work. I will have it all paid off before I owe any interest so it all works out, plus I will get a little money from Ed to cover some of the rental car cost. If Nebraska keeps doing well we might get to watch them play in a BCS game while we are there, maybe I can bet on them to blow it at the last minute like they always do and pay for the trip! A great big thank you to Jessica’s parents for agreeing to watch my doofus dog while we are gone. Seriously, he does settle down eventually and he adopts anyone who will give him something to eat as his favorite person in the world and the person who he will lapdog with whether they want him or not. Ask Jess about that. He doesn’t even like me anymore because Jessica lets him eat the leftover soft cat food every morning when they are done with it. He used to be excited to see me when I came home from work but now as soon as he sees me he runs and hides because he knows that I don’t give him anything good to eat in the morning like mama does. He’s such a traitor.

I just realized that I was supposed to run the Omaha half marathon last weekend. Boy that went well didn’t it? It’s been three weeks since I’ve run a step and it’s time go get back on it before I get the diabeetus (in your mind that should sound like Wilford Brimley is saying it). There’s a 5k in about 3 weeks in Lincoln, plenty of time to train. I’ll see if Jess can go with me, she might have her hours cut by then and not have to work like usual. She hasn’t really run at all in a long time so it’s time for her to get back on the horse as well, she’s been talking about it here and there. We will stick with the 5 and 10k’s for now. It’s a lot more fun that way. I’ve also started my attempt at cutting out fast food and pop… again… I was doing well for a while there and just slipped back into the habit of eating fast food a couple times a day and drinking a 44oz glass of Mountain Dew every night at work. Is it any wonder I feel like crapola? Garbage in, garbage out. Trouble is, it doesn’t go back out again. I’ve gained back the 10 pounds that I lost a couple months ago. Time to try again. I think I actually had withdrawals when I abruptly stopped eating that junk. I had headaches and didn’t feel right. I don’t doubt it, I’m sure that stuff activates pleasure centers in your brain that makes it hard to stop.

Well, it’s been 2 months now since I pretty much quit facebook. I still have an account because I syndicate this blog on there to get at least a couple readers other than my mother. That and there are a few people that I still want to keep in touch with. Anyway I have to say, I think I am better off for it. I don’t think that everyone’s social circle should be quite so large you know? People that you knew 20 years ago but would avoid eye contact with and act like you didn’t see them if you actually saw them in real life (I’ve actually done this several times) probably don’t need to know the minutia of your entire day. Yea I know, hypocritical much saying that on a stupid blog? Yea, maybe… I do try to at least write something interesting… well as interesting as I can make it with my plain Jane life anyway, plus I do like to write, even if school burns out most of my creativity and urge to do so. Funny thing though, I’ve added probably 25 new posts in the last couple months and I don’t really feel burned out on it at all like I did before.

This screenshot that I saw really made me laugh.
Who cares?
HA! That pretty much sums it all up for me, I wish I would have done it first!

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