Chicks dig… the airport?

Apparently hot chicks completely dig coming out to the airport to look at a bunch of expensive airplanes parked in various states of disassembly. They also like doing so with douchbag fratboys trying to get in their pants. This is something that Ed and I have learned with the second visit of some college guy bringing a second attractive girl in for a late night tour of the facility. It isn’t unusual for people to come in and request a tour of the facility, it’s just usually not at midnight and it isn’t usually for panty removal purposes. The guy is pretty cool about it and he throws us a $10 tip for our trouble. I guess it’s a semi original thing to do and apparently it worked the first time he did it (or so he says anyway). I think he could do a lot better without wearing the dew rag, Ed Hardy shirt, and a bunch of rings? This is the look that guys wear now? On purpose in order to attract females? It’s official, I’m old and I’ve been old for a while because I have no “style” and I say things like “What the hell is wrong with those damn kids?” He did exude confidence and bravado though and that’s what women respond to, even if they later bitch about what a dumb asshole he is because he gave them herpes. Spoken like a true “nice guy” I guess, it’s why I always hated the whole dating process. I just don’t have the energy or patience to put out that kind of fakery on a constant basis, I just want to be me (which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea). I’m so glad I found Jessica.

Movie review time! We went out and saw Easy A on Sunday. It’s about a girl that… I don’t know, lets people pay her to let them tell everyone they did her so they wouldn’t think they were gay or fat or… something. Then she gets upset when everyone thinks shes a prostitute. It was supposed to be kind of a tribute to the 16 Candles/The Breakfast Club/Ferris Buellers Day Off etc… It got pretty good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes so I was hoping it would be good. I was pretty unimpressed though. It had it’s funny parts but it just takes me out of it when they cast someone who is hot in a role where they act like she is frumpy and no one notices her until BAMN! Makeover and some slutty clothes and suddenly NOW she’s hot and everyone notices her! There are plenty of actual frumpy girls that you can make over into someone that looks pretty damn good, why not try that for once? I also couldn’t get over Amanda Bynes and why she had a skinny person’s body but a fat girl’s head… it was very strange and that picture doesn’t fully represent it because she’s turned to the side. I’ve never seen anything like it, either you have a skinny head on a skinny body or fat head on fat body. Well, I take that back… now that I think about it I’ve gone on a blind date with someone with a skinny head and neck and a fat body. Also unrelated to the main topic but related to blind dates, I went on a horrible blind date with someone who might have technically been a midget. Did I mention that I hated the dating process? I think I did. Anyway for me the movie was a great big… meh. Jess thought it was ok.

Today Jess started me in on the first Harry Potter movie in the first installment of making me watch the whole series. I think I’ve only seen one of them and it was the last one in the theater and it was with Jessica. Soooo… yea. Obviously I have no interest in Harry Potter, and watching it from the beginning makes me feel a little creepy because I’ve seen the upskirt paparazzi pictures of Emma Watson (she’s 20 now) but she was like… 9? 10 years old in the first movie? Doesn’t that make a guy feel like a creepy old man? Anyway I’ve agreed to watch the whole series and not bitch about it so I can be prepared to go with her when the next installment comes out in theaters. In return she will go with me to see TRON: Legacy when it comes out in December and not constantly bitch about how stupid she thinks it is. They will probably ruin the movie anyway, just like they did with Transformers, GI-Joe, Indiana Jones, the first Star Wars prequel (Jar Jar), Clash of the Titans… I swear if they put Shia LaBeouf in anything else from my youth I will choke somebody…


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