Childbirth, Meteors n’stuff

Greetings all. I’m finding it harder to write a post because I’m so busy lately. Mainly because I’m back to work full time. In the time since I last wrote I believe Steve and I have met our future pediatrician, took a childbirth class, celebrated his birthday, and have done a bunch of other stuff. Getting ready for baby has been building in my mental list of to-dos. Going back to work has put a crunch in ample time to do stuff. Which isn’t a bad thing, I think both Steve and I work more efficiently under pressure. I’ve always been a deadline wait till the last minute type gal. With baby, the deadline is pretty unknown on that one really. My gut says Steven Alexander will be here early so I’d like to get the baby’s room put together soon. It would be nice to have it done by the party. Speaking of party…one month away, just saying.

So, about that childbirth class… We took a one day class that I think answered a lot of questions I had – not really about childbirth itself, but about the hospital I’d like to have baby love. I stress “like to have” because I fear going into my birthing time at work, in Beatrice. In that case I’ve been assured the staff in Beatrice is great… But, I will aim for Bryan. The policies at Bryan will suit my needs in the birthing experience I’d like to have. Yes, believe it or not I actually have a plan about how I’d like Steven Alexander to come into this world. I had a lot of fear about the whole birthing process, basically from a lifetime of the horror of it being reinforced on TV and movies, people’s dramatic stories, yada yada. Rarely have I ever heard from anyone, “OH it was awesome!”. So in preparation for Steven Alexander I am simply rejecting negativity about giving birth. If you have a scary story to share, save it, because I’m not going to listen to it. Don’t talk to me about pain or what I should do’s, or I know this one woman who…because you’ll just speak to the hand. Since I’ve redirected my thought process on having Steven Alexander, I am seriously excited for his birthday. I’m going to try to give him the best birthday I can. So, I’ll end this small rant saying – only good juju on this topic from here on out, thanks.

Moving along, I saw a meteor on my way to work the other day. I was driving south on 77 when something super bright caught my attention. It was falling over a field and looked like, well, a falling brilliant star, only during daylight, and a little close for comfort. The bright of it fizzled just above treeline level I guess and it was gone. I wonder if anyone else saw it.

Steve is on a weight loss mission, good for him! It’s funny though when he complains about the scale number how I immediately think to myself of MY scale number that is startling and getting worse by the day. I will tell you right now, if you haven’t seen me in a while, I am fat with baby and then some! Steve is super supportive and keeps me feeling positive. I’ve started to move slower and I’m feeling the repercussion of the additional weight. But, he walks with me as often as he can, usually 2 to three miles still – not sure how long going that distance will bode with me, but we’ll keep at it as best as we can. I’ve already started thinking about post pregnancy weight loss. I know Steve will want his svelt wife back, ha ha, and I can’t wait to get back into my jeans and shirts. Maybe by this time next year I’ll have met that goal or exceeded it.

Let’s see, what else, oh…there seems to be confusion on baby’s love name. I believe Steve and I have heard from both sides on how we are going to confuse the hell out of him. We won’t know what nickname is going to stick with Steven Alexander until he’s here. So, to avoid confusion I’m going to just call him Larry. Actually I’ll just use his whole name, believe me this kid will know his whole name, even if we choose to call him Alex, or Xander, or Little Stevie, or Awesome X, or Larry.

Well kids, I’ve got a lot of stuff to get done today…my weekends are on weekdays now. And Steve’s typical weekends are now my Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…so that sucks because I miss hanging out with him on his weekends. Anyway, stay safe everyone, head to the basement if the sirens blow.

1 thought on “Childbirth, Meteors n’stuff”

  1. I love the name Jess. Anyway you decide to go with it I like it. Do you think the kids and I could come up to your place for a field trip in the next couple weeks. Think about it if it isnt to much and let me know. Otherwise maybe we could go to Campbells. Talk to you soon.

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