Christmas Eve.

Well it’s Christmas eve and I’m sitting at home by myself. I have to work 16 hours tomorrow and then it’s off to the game on Monday. Dad wants to go down to Corpus Christi and see the gulf of mexico too. I’ve never seen the gulf but I’ve seen the Atlantic plenty of times and I’m pretty sure that they are the same . Sounds like 4 or 5 hours of extra driving to me to point and go ooooh look at the ocean. Adam has never seen the ocean though so maybe it will be cool for him. You need to swim in it to get the full effect of “eww this water stinks and tastes nasty, ok I’ve seen enough let’s go.”

My back is still hurting pretty good. I hurt it at work hand pushing an airplane. I had one of the vertebre spun a little to the side and they put it back in. It’s the same one that I hurt a couple years ago in a car wreck. I figured it would be all good by now because a lot of times it doesn’t hurt at all but then the next day it hurts just as bad as it did before. This sucks.

Justin brought in his guitar to work today and it made me want to practice on mine again. I haven’t really messed with it in a couple years or so and I can’t really remember how to play anything anymore. Maybe I will make it a point to pull it out and practice a little every day. We’ll see.

I saw Josh at work today, he was driving the ambulance. They came to pick up a patient and he managed to lock himself out of the ambulance. Funny. They had to send another one and I guess they eventually got it open.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! I’ll be working 16 hours both days…

1 thought on “Christmas Eve.”

  1. Merry Christmas to you too! Please don’t hand push any more airplanes…they’re too heavy! Don’t they have a pallet jack for that? LOL Anyway, your dad will call you to let you know what time he’s picking you up. Bye, love you!

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