Clever title.

You think I would save my writing for here but I pretty much blew my mental load for the next couple days in multiple political debates over email with family and friends. Here’s the final stats:

7 total participants
23 separate emails sent
7999 words
33,502 characters (without spaces)
41,643 characters (with spaces)
697 lines

Of the stuff written by me:

7 separate emails sent
4685 words
19425 characters (without spaces)
24317 characters (with spaces)
332 lines

Tempers flared slightly then quickly subsided and in the end no one’s opinions were changed. It was fun though and it made us all think a little.

I ended up buying the fancy expensive training watch. It’s pretty sweet and works fine. I’ve been having problems with stomach cramping during runs this week which sucks. I’ve got a 5k to run next Saturday. I’ll putt through it in about a half hour or so and have a nice free t-shirt to show for it. I was thinking of signing up for another half marathon in Missouri in June but of course Mom informs me that it is on the day of the big family get together in Columbus so… I guess I wont be going to Missouri. How come nothing happens in my life for months on end but when they do it’s always on the same day and there’s a schedule conflict? Other than that I’ve got nothin’, life is average, work is fine. Nothing exciting nor devastating to report.

3 thoughts on “Clever title.”

  1. You could always copy and paste the substance of those e-mails on here without necessarily saying who they are from (unless you really want to). That was an awesome “mental load” to drop! Really fun to read! You should really post it…

  2. No I don’t think so. There was just so much to it that it wouldn’t be good for this site. People broke off writing to individual people with their own responses so it would be pretty difficult to put it together in a coherent way. Not to mention the fact that it was meant as more of a private conversation than something to be posted on the net for perpetuity.

  3. Hey, that’s cool. And thanks for e-mailing me a copy of what everyone said, it was a fun read.

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