
Congratulations to my brother Patrick and his girlfriend Samantha. She is officially no longer his girlfriend, she is now a fiancée! I really don’t know much more about the situation other than they are now engaged since I saw it on Facebook and we don’t really talk all that much. I honestly didn’t know if it was going to ever happen for them, not because Pat is some kind of deadbeat or something, but because its just become really common nowadays for young people to not get married at all and just stay in real long term relationships. I’ve read articles about it and everything. People are fine with it and do everything that you do when you are married except actually get married. Either way is fine with me, I say if you are happy and aren’t hurting anyone else then more power to you, I guess I’m just a part of that older generation who gets married, so I did, and I’m very happy I did. Here’s my advice… Don’t spend a fortune on the wedding… Seriously. I just don’t get it when people do that. They save and save and save for something that outside of your immediate group no one really cares about and go into debt paying for something that just isn’t necessary. Seriously, take that money and put it towards your future. A down payment on a home of your own, or pay for an education that can lift you higher on the socioeconomic ladder so you can live a better life for yourselves and your children. Unless you’ve got parents who are loaded who want to pay for a huge shindig it just isn’t worth it. Is a hell of a lot more fun to just go to Vegas with a small group of people who you care about the most. (Unlike us though give the people who love you most enough time to make arrangements to actually attend… Whoops.). Anyway, Jessica, Alexander and I wish you guys nothing but the best!

I think I finally found an way to fully syndicate my newest website posts with Facebook and have people actually see them instead of just a couple people here and there seeing that I put something new up. I really really want to get away from Facebook completely which is why I’ve started posting here on the website more again but the problem is that everyone and everything is on Facebook now. There’s literally nothing else that anyone looks at. No one emails anymore, hardly anyone posts to their own websites, all instant messaging that isn’t Facebook is a desert wasteland now with no one online. I’ve thought about deleting my account completely but then I feel like a crazy person talking to the wall in a dark room when i write something new because no one but Jessica’s dad looks at the website on a regular basis without being notified on Facebook that there’s something new first. I suppose it would help if I put more interesting content up but I would need to probably live a more interesting life to do that which isn’t going to happen unless I hit the lottery, and probably not even then. Since I’ve found a way to post automatically without going to the site itself which always sucks me back in I’m going to try to do that again, I’m going to delete the Facebook app on the iPad (its already not on my phone) and not visit the website… very often.

Speaking of something interesting we officially got word yesterday that Jessica may be out of a job… either that or she will be going back to work early. I know I already mentioned it but it was just rumblings before, now its official. Don’t know which one it will be for sure, have to wait a couple weeks to find out what our fuckstick government is going to do first. Whatever it is I’m sure there will be plenty of money available to keep millionaires from paying a goddamn cent more in taxes and to keep us at war killing brown people for another decade, because I feel a lot safer having a fleet of billion dollar stealth airplanes to take out some muslim guy in a tent armed with a 50 year old AK-47 and some rocks who may or may not be a terrorist. I wish I just knew what was going to happen with that so that proper steps could be taken. This sucks.

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