Congratulations Carly and Ron!

Well I’m a couple days behind but so what. Anyway my cousin Carly got married on Saturday. Good for them. I went to the reception afterwards since I don’t go to ceremonies unless I am in the wedding party because… well because they are boring and I don’t wanna. Saw a lot of family there that I really don’t see that often all in one place anymore so that was cool I guess. There really wasn’t that many single women there (that weren’t my relatives) so I drank. As usual I obsessively collected the single straw from each drink that I got for the purpose of keeping track of how much money I’ve spent and when it would be a good idea to stop. I decided that 20 would be a good number (at $3.75 + tip each) and I got there in about 4 hours and 45 minutes or so after I arrived. You know this is why I’ve for the most part stopped drinking. I could have gotten a freakin’ iPod with the money I pissed away on booze. Not a good iPod mind you, a nano, a refurbished 2 gig nano, which isn’t much but would be nice when I’m trying to train for this stupid ass triathlon. I also smoke when I drink which stinks like ass and makes my newly pink lungs hurt.

Something I never knew was that I was along on their first “date” which was a group trip to Seward which ended with Ron keeping me from laying in my own vomit in the parking lot. I found out I was a part of this precious memory because I was included in the slideshow after I finished a whiskey drinking contest with a couple guys from Tennessee. They also talked about it in the video afterwards. Nice. Did I win the contest? That depends on your definition of winning. I won the drinking part, they won the part where you walk out at the end of the night mostly under your own power, so I would say… yea I won. Anyway Ron and Carly seem pretty happy and I hope they stay that way.

That’s all I have for today, I would type more but my hands have been hurting a lot lately so I’m trying to lay off the computer. Kind of hard when you sit behind a desk for 8 hours and that’s all there is to do though. I got some new books to read from the library instead. I’m working on a nice 886 pager that won the pulitzer prize about the making of the atomic bomb. Now that I think of it one of the books I read last month was in a similar vein. I guess this month I’m interested in physics. I also picked up one about the comedian Andy Kaufman and one about the history of religion. Should be fun. Well not fun but… something.

4 thoughts on “Congratulations Carly and Ron!”

  1. Carly Ederington!

    Ha ha! Oh yes we had to have you a part of our wedding story! That night in seward was a blast! man you were so wasted! You were singing to yourself that night in our living room. Why were you paying for drinks when you could have had beer free!?! We got 2 kegs, because well, we know our family. ha Well, it was a blast and I’m so glad you came.

  2. Probably because not everyone likes beer…me included…I did buy 1 drink but switched to Pepsi after that. Otherwise, we had a lot of fun!

  3. Yea I never have been much of a beer drinker, it always makes me feel full so I have to pee a thousand times and leaves me feeling sick at the end of the night with a bad hangover the next day.

  4. Well, Swami, whats the score going to be this weekend against Wake Forest? Good pick on Iowa St. last week.

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