Covert maneuvers.

Well this morning I went on a covert action with Kasey to retrieve his hot tub and my grill from Katie’s house while she was at work. They’ve got some pretty bad blood between them and I hope all the BS is over soon but whataya gonna do? Just like I expected the whole operation wasn’t covert at all. We got there and stood around for a while going “where’s the guy from the hottub place with that special dolly and trailer for moving these things?”. I don’t know how it could be covert in the first place when Katie’s son Kyle was home. Kasey didn’t expect him to be of course, he thought he was still detassling but I guess that’s over already. He’s a good kid. Well anyway the damn tub still weighed 4 million pounds just like the last 2 times I helped move it and we finally got it loaded up and back to the old place. Damn renters. That place is trashed. I haven’t seen the inside yet but but by the looks of the outside it’s going to take a while to get it back into shape again. Oh joy. I get to move in there within the week. Oh well. At least it has a yard for the dog (once both the gates to the backyard are fixed and put back on their hinges that is).

I am going to be tired as hell next month. I picked up almost 80 hours of overtime. In the heat of August no less. I will end up with 2 days off in the month now which sucks along with full time school. It will be nice money though and I can get caught back up after spending the last 3 months dumping everything into my old debt. I now have a firm date of August 7th as the date that I will be debt free. Over 3 weeks later than projected but what the hell. I made the choice on the new phone and glasses. I won’t take any overtime after that and I will enjoy the football season and take a week of vacation in September Maybe more than a week if I go on that trip to New York if Dave ever sets up anything firm. It’s pretty much his idea and his baby.

3 thoughts on “Covert maneuvers.”

  1. I said it and all say it one more time!!!!!!!!
    Hey steve all help ya move your shit in
    if ya want

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