Crapola, we have to move.

Well we have to move. I’ve looked around and there isn’t anything in Hickman, or at least anything in Hickman that is being advertised prominently enough for me to know about it. Jessica has a friend that has a place in Roca that she wants to rent to us but the problem is that the tenants that are already there have a lease that lasts a month past when ours ends. I sent a message asking our current landlords whether we could stay another month or so until it becomes vacant but I haven’t heard anything back yet. It looks to be slightly better than where we are at, it has a big fenced in yard for the dingo to run around in and a two car garage and shop area which is a huge plus for storage. The downside is that utilities will be more expensive since it uses propane, satellite tv instead of cable, DSL instead of cable modem, and the water and sewer costs a lot in Roca. Plus no stores or anything other than a bar which kind of sucks. If that doesn’t work out we might have to get a place in Lincoln.

The terlet is finally fixed. It only took nine days without having one before the first professional came and took a look at it. The main line was clogged completely and was apparently partially clogged for quite some time because the toilet flushes like a champ now. I just thought it was one of those worthless low flow toilets that cant flush more than a couple sheets of toilet paper without clogging up. Luckily I didn’t have to pay for it out of my pocket and the landlord covered the $200 bucks to take care of it.

My nephew should be here soon, my brother Adam’s girlfriend is due within the week I think and we are going to make the trip up to Columbus when he is born.

1 thought on “Crapola, we have to move.”

  1. That’s too bad that you have to move. Moving to Lincoln would be less of a drive to work for you, but more for Jess I suppose. Yeah, Vaughn will be here soon, if not by the weekend, then for sure on Monday (she’s getting induced then if he’s not here by then). I feel so honored that they asked me to be there for the delivery! I’m getting excited, and nervous too. Waiting has been the hardest part for me. Anyway, good luck in your house hunting and I’ll see you soon. Love ya.

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