So anyway I bought a bunch of stuff for a tuneup and whatnot on the new car yesterday. You know, all the fluids, filters, new battery and other stuff. So I was changing the sparkplugs and busted 2 of them off in the hole. (yes I put spray lube on them and let them soak first) Just the thread part not the insulation. The 2 that came out were rusted really really bad. I’m suprised they didn’t bust off too. Looks like they have never been changed. So anyway I messed with that for about 4 hours with no success. So pissed off. Before I had a running car and now I don’t. I can’t even attempt to turn the motor over because of the shavings in there so the car is dead right now. I strayed some aero kroil on them today and I am going to keep spraying them with that and give it another shot with the easy out and a T handle tomorrow. If that doesn’t work I will probobly have to pull the head and have them drilled out and new inserts put in. Dammit. That’s almost more trouble than its worth. I have to go mow now. The neighbor across the street finally mowed his yard yesterday and now I have the worst yard on the street by far.

To answer all the questions I have gotten.

Mom : He might buy it IF I feel like selling it to him at a discount and IF I want to take payments and IF I have the new car fixed and reliable. Lots of if’s.

Manee : I haven’t sold the truck yet but I will if the car is reliable enough to get me where I need to go.

Josh: No I didn’t sell the truck.

Ronnie: You suck because you weren’t available at the last minute to help me.

Oh yea, I’m not doing a damn thing on my birthday. I picked up the 5am terminal shift at work for the morning after because I need money.

1 thought on “DAMMIT. DAMMIT. DAMMIT.”

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE…. Try to stay out of to much trouble and good luck on your car!
    Jen and Dave~

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