Damn… that was disappointing.

Another close loss in the championship game not because we flat out got beat but because of stupid mistakes and turnovers that were our own damn fault. At least Nebraska is competitive again against everyone we play and if we lose it is always close. I was considering going to the game and I’m glad I didn’t. That would have been a miserable trip back to Nebraska from Dallas. Oh well, a ten win regular season is never anything to bitch about, can’t forget about the Callahan era that quick. F the Big 12, on to the Big 10 and on to the Insight Bowl to play an early Farmegeddon game against Iowa. Go big red!

Unrelated but interesting. I am the #2 link on google for “huskers suck pics” and “huskers suck images” from a post that I made way back in 2004 when Joe Dailey was stinking it up in Callahan’s first year. People pay lots of money to get on the front page of google, so how did I get there and I don’t even think the Huskers suck, nor do I have pictures of Huskers sucking? Anyway I just thought that was neat because I’ve been getting hits this week from people who think that the Huskers suck and wold like pictures to express that feeling.

I haven’t really written anything lately because I really haven’t been doing all that much other than work. I’m trying to get in the groove of working out without all that much success. I need to be getting packed up but that isn’t progressing all that fast either. It’s going to be pretty busy in the next couple weeks with the move, family gatherings and then the trip to Vegas right after the new year. You would think I would have more of a sense of urgency than I do but I can tell it’s going to be a hectic half assed effort instead.

I got an 89 on the big paper for my class and I just got finished taking my weekly test… AGAIN. Stupid Blackboard software that they use for online classes is complete junk. You spend a couple hours taking a test making sure that everything is correct and then press submit and then… nothing. The internet connection went down. All my work is lost and I get locked out of the test until the teacher resets it with a whole new set of test questions. Of course since this has happened before in other classes I save all my work to a pdf file before I press submit just in case. I explain all this to the professor and give her my answers and she says that it happened because I saved it. She is under the impression that going to the Blackboard website renders your computer unable to do anything other than taking the test, you know… a cheating countermeasure kind of thing. In reality you can have 67 other web browser tabs open, be downloading two girls one cup from bittorrent, playing music, whatever, and it has no effect on anything regarding the test window. I reply no, that has no effect on whether the test submits or not because I save it for every single test that I take, that’s what happens if your internet connection goes down and you press the submit button. She basically gives me a tough shit and tells me I have to start over. How much longer before I graduate? May 2012? That’s a long time. Put it in credit hours then… Twenty one? That still seems like a lot. How about number of classes? Seven? That doesn’t sound as bad I guess. If only I had more money and more time to make it go faster.

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