Darn it

Greetings All. Swing and a miss, we lost the house. Chalk one up to live and learn. Here is a positive of this experience of making an official stab and buying a house. Steve and I were able to agree on a house…that’s pretty big in my book. Can’t say I didn’t feel a small pang of disappointment in losing it, but it was over fairly quickly. Not worth dwelling on it.

It’s my weekend and I’m fighting something, is it allergies? That’s what I’m telling myself it is. Stinks to feel rotten on the days I look forward to. Naturally I got to hang out with Alexander all day. His two teeth are so cute. And he’s getting so big. He’s completely bypassed the twelve month clothes I recently bought for him. Fortunately I got a windfall of 18 month clothes from my sister.

There is no question he’s well fed. I actually made some homemade graham crackers for X. They didn’t turn out that bad, at least the ones I didn’t burn the hell out of. I also tried a new baby food recipe – parsnips, carrots, apples and some cinnamon all pureed up…he really liked it. Next up is homemade gold fish. I like fixing baby food. Makes me feel like even though I can’t be with him everyday, he gets a little something made with love from mommy.

Alexander is regularly babbling mamamamamam and dadadada, so I think we both win this issue of which one he says first. Of course there isn’t any meaning to the babble, but it’s endearing none-the-less. He sits well, refuses to roll over, but is very close to crawling. I’m thankful he enjoys playing with his toys in his play pen, cause when he goes mobile he’ll be doing some time in that thing, ha.

Steve’s cap and gown arrived today for graduation. I’m so very proud of him for staying the course and chipping away at his degree. Yes, it has taken time, but he did it all on his own motivation and I have so much respect for that. May 5th is the big day and I’m so excited to see him walk…and I’m glad he’s a “K” so we can get the hell out of there, ha.
The 5th is also my folk’s anniversary, so lots to celebrate.

Well, time to boil up some more ginger root to make a little ginger tea with honey and lemon. Helps the “allergies”.

3 thoughts on “Darn it”

  1. So sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well on your days off. I hope that the ginger tea helped. It’s good that you take the time to make homemade baby food for Alexander. I always used the jar baby food for all of my boys, not many people made the homemade food when I had babies…I guess they all turned out ok though LOL. Congratulations to Steve for having another graduation coming up in May! That’s farther in school than anyone in this family has gone, so that’s something to be proud of!!! And we sure are proud of him! I’m guessing that you asked for the day off work that day? Well, take care and kiss the baby for Grandma K. Love you guys!

  2. Jessica Korgie

    Ya, I put in for leave on Steve’s graduation months ago. Thankfully I got it off. My supervisor had to wiggle the schedule because we are not being granted leave for the month that the Homestead Act will be on display April 25th-May 28th.

  3. congrats to steveo!! and you are doing good! homemade baby food is the best! im thinking thats why Vaughn grew so fast and so hugely lol, now im lazy and if he has veggies he’s still getting it from the jar cuz i dont make anymore homemade veggies.. he wont eat actual veggies jst the purried stuff.. :(anywho sounds like x is growing amazing!! keep up the good mommy nurturing jess! :) i like hearing about that stuff :))

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