Debt, grades, Happy Birthday Adam!

Well if everything goes right I should be completely debt free by about the 10th of August. It would have been July or possibly even late June but I had to get a new computer because the other one took a dump. It will be the first time since I was 18 years old that I will be completely debt free. I won’t know what to do heh. I could have had it done a long time ago but you know how it goes, it’s more fun to piss away the money on fun stuff than to pay off a debt. I have the online banking all set up to pay $2000 on Friday and I will pay another good chunk next month. After that I am going to start dumping money into the brokerage account that I opened a few months back. Hopefully in about 5 or 6 years when my credit is restored it will have built up into a nice down payment on a house. No more crappy basement apartments or roommates. Something of my own that I can do whatever I want to do with. That will be nice.

I finally passed a Microbiology test. I got an 88% on it. Normally I wouldn’t be excited about an 88 since I regularly get 100’s in other classes but in this class I was ecstatic. Way better than the 58% and 62% I got on the first 2. I was sitting at exactly a 70% overall in that class before that grade and now I am up to a 75% overall. Gives me a little breathing room since the VA will want about 2 grand back if I get less than a 70. Well I better head to bed, I’m tired.

Happy 17th Birthday to my brother Adam (May 17th)!  Didn’t get you anything.  I’m sure you didn’t get me anything for my birthday either.  One more year and you’re free!  Maybe you can live in low income housing next to Pat!  Ummm no, go to college instead.  (you too Pat)

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