Doctor Roulette

Greetings all. Again it seems it has been difficult to cut out some time to post. Last week during my days off I spent a good amount of time at the doctors office, for me AND Steve. Suckville. Guess I better get used to it. I have went from never going to the doctor to having to choose doctors for me, my husband and my baby. The doctor I chose for me has been a poor choice, yet I still go. I figure he can catch a baby, so, that’s a bonus. I had to have my Gestational Diabetes test, a right of passage for motherhood I guess. It is something you can develop whilst prego. The first test is an hour long. So, I went in on my day off and drank a sugary liquid comparable to Orange Crush, then waited in the lobby for an hour until they drew blood. I was to hear back the next day. But, no call. I’m going for the no news is good news and I’m in the clear. Otherwise, if I failed it, onto a three hour test – which sounds like good quality time in a waiting room. I’m not worried about it. I saw my doctor after the test, he reminds me of Don Knotts – only he’s not funny and a bit creepy.

Onto Steve’s fun doctor time. He had an episode that concerned his heart. Scared the shit out of me. It was serious enough for him not to balk when I said YOU are GOING to the doctor. I found a family practitioner for him to go to. I tried to find someone he’d be comfortable with, not like the weirdness I have to go through. I succeeded. I found a doctor that is at least in the same generation as Steve, who coincidentally had a couple other things in common. He’s a runner, even ran in the same races Steve was in this year and is also about to get out of the Air Guard soon. That was good because the only other doctor I found in such sort time was a woman from Pakistan who was considerably older with a thick accent (there was an introductory video about her online), her personality seemed good – but probably someone I might like but would make Steve uncomfortable. Anyway, back to his heart.

I went with him to the doctor and waited in the lobby for over and hour for him, my imagination was my company, that and an interesting cross section of those that go to a family practitioner – young and old. I’d side eye them and wonder what their ailment was, and if it was catching. I have been well this entire pregnancy, with the exception of a mild allergy season – but ginger lemon honey tea nipped that in the bud. Ok, back to Steve. He finally emerged from the doctor area with X-rays in hand and an appointment with a Cardiologist the next day. Diagnosis, murmur and further testing needed.

The next day Steve goes to the Cardiologist appointment, waits and hour in the lobby, then meets the doctor to set up only another appointment to get an echo cardiogram and run on a treadmill and be evaluated. Steve thought that was what the reason for THIS appointment, to run and be evaluated – NOT to go to an appointment to make an appointment! Needless to say he was miffed at the whole process. So, jump forward a couple days to today. He went this morning, first appointment of the day to be looked at. And he comes home HEALTHY! He has a little smidge of a murmur, but nothing that they could pinpoint and his results on all the tests were great. Yes, a good chunk of change had to be laid down for these tests, but the piece of mind is worth it.

I can’t imagine my life without Steve although he’ll say I was hungry for his life insurance. A scare like this does make one think of their mortality. Makes you want to get all your ducks in a row if tomorrow never comes. And then the fear begins to fade as good news fills the place where the fear was residing and you pour your morning coffee and watch a little morning suck TV, hearing in the background the love of your life in the shower, feeling the baby kick, knowing I need to put the wash in the dryer…. Even if it does all end tomorrow, know I love my life, all of it.

2 thoughts on “Doctor Roulette”

  1. Nicole Rooney

    Glad to hear everything is OK with Steve! As for the baby doctor creeper, I can definitely empathize. My OB had HORRIBLE bedside manner and I never was completely comfortable with him. Good news was, he was out of town when I delivered and another doctor from the practice delivered Jameson and he was WONDERFUL. I never thought I would be so relieved to find out my doctor couldn’t make it! I know its hard this far in to consider switching doctors, but its never too late!

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