Does it feel like fall to you?

It’s still hot but to me it feels like the beginning of Fall for some reason. I guess it’s technically past the hottest part of the year if you look at what the average high temperatures are but to me it just seemed like there was never ending heat and then all of a sudden football season is a couple weeks away and there is a few really cool, nice feeling days and then I start thinking about how it’s going to get cold soon. It always seems to feel like that to me, 5 and a half months of unbearable heat, 2 weeks of beautiful weather, and then bitterly cold for 5 and a half months followed by another nice 2 weeks and it all repeats itself. Maybe I need to move somewhere with a different climate since Nebraska gets all off Canada’s cold in the Winter and all of Mexico’s heat in the Summer. At least there’s going to be football again soon.

Jessica and I went out and did some geocaching for the first time in a long time the other day when it was nice. For those who have no idea what that is it’s where people hide “treasures” (carnival junk, trinkets), usually in interesting places and then give the GPS coordinates to them on the website and you go try to find them with a handheld GPS receiver and trade some of your junk for some of the junk that others have left. Jessica still thinks it’s pretty weird but it gets you out into neat places near where you live that you might not even know about and is actually a lot of fun and is pretty cheap to do once you have the GPS unit. There are currently 1,162,491 active caches right now worldwide. They are hidden practically everywhere and you probably go by them all the time without even knowing it. There are a lot more in the more populated areas since you need people who are into finding them to place ones of their own, but there are even ones in rural areas. We went out into a wildlife management area that has a couple in it, it was a little more of a bushwhack than I was expecting but we made it. Jessica found it before I did, it was a military ammo can. We left a patch and took a pin from South Africa and signed the logbook. Give it a try, it’s sounds really stupid but it’s a pretty good time.

Jessica and I had a date night tonight, went out to dinner and saw Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. We both loved the movie, very very… interesting and different. Just the right amount of humor, fighting, special effects, general weirdness, etc. I really recommend going to see it, probably not if you are older though, it’s kind of like a comic book come alive with a lot of video game references and other references that someone who was older wouldn’t get.

Go see it while you can, I heard it isn’t doing the greatest at the box office, I have no idea why, probably because it seems like something that is hard to explain just by looking at the title and you don’t know what to make of it. I would actually go buy it on DVD and I don’t buy anything on DVD anymore. Jessica thinks it might become more of a cult hit, like… The Big Lebowski. She never said The Big Lebowski, that’s just the only movie that I can think of right now that was a cult hit.


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