Easy money.

Well just got off work. Nothing going on there. The weekend shift is so boring. I guess it would be good if I was in school again because you could keep busy studying or something. 24 hours of overtime on this upcoming check which is pretty nice.

Went to the 10 year reunion yesterday. It was an ok time I suppose. For the most part everyone is fatter and has kids. The ugly girls from back then are now hot and the hot ones aren’t. The jocks are now alcoholics with beer bellies. I think I am better off than a majority of my former classmates who will never leave that town because anywhere else they are nobodys. I doubt I will go to any more reunions in the future. I haven’t thought of any of those people in the last 10 years and now I remember why. I could have gone jet skiing yesterday and had a better time. I better get going I have to get up in 6 hours.

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