Excitement. DEBT FREE!

There is no excitement from me to report about.  There most likely won’t be much this whole month since I’m hardly going to be home.  Today I am offically debt free.  $6011.17 paid off in 2 and a half months.  It would feel pretty good except for the fact that I have about $17 left in my checking account until Friday.  After that it will build back up pretty quickly though especially with all the overtime I’m working this month.  I went and got a new washing machine this morning (well new to me anyway).  This pleases me a great deal.  I can finally wash laundry again without having to look for quarters.  Almost everything I own is dirty right now so I’ll spend the next week or so getting it all done and put away.  I’m looking forward to my 2 days off this month this upcoming weekend.  Going to go to rib fest downtown on Friday night after work and see some bands.  Maybe go jet skiing on Sunday if it’s nice.  The rest of the time will be spent getting unpacked.  I don’t really have much else to report right now except that the dog rolled around on a dead bird and made himself extremely stinky.  He also escaped again after his bath wearing no collar so I had to search the neighborhood.  I found him messing with some geese that are around the neighborhood.  Need to go to work.  I’ll update when I get a chance.

2 thoughts on “Excitement. DEBT FREE!”

  1. hi steve…been awhile since i’ve been on here…congrats on being debt free…now you can spend your money on cool stuff…like tennis balls for your dog and one of those really cool all in one remotes…i always wanted one of those

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