Finally a race!

Well I finally got my first race of the year in after getting snowed out for the marathon in Olathe and rained and frozen out in the Ni-bathska-ke 12k. Today was the Novartis 10k and I thought that was going to be rained out too since they were predicting heavy rain and thunderstorms all week long. It wasn’t looking good for having a dry race until about 10 minutes before the start when it stopped and stayed dry for the rest of the day. Nice. I talked my co-worker Jason into running the race with me since he started working out again and to be honest it’s just more fun for me when there are other people there that you know running the race with you. Jason half ass trained for about a month and I’ve been running pretty steady for over a year now and guess who won the race? It wasn’t me of course which pisses me off. Damn my naturally unathletic body! I was the one pushing the pace for the first 4 and a half miles or so and then I petered out a little and told him to go ahead in the last 3 quarters of a mile since I could tell he wanted to pull ahead. He ended up beating me by a minute but I still came in under an hour which was my goal. It was a lot of fun and he might come up to Nebraska City next weekend with me to run the Arbor Day 5k with my uncle Joe. Here’s the results to the race. Here are the photos from the race. I made 2 of them.


And even though Jason was running right beside me for about 90% of the race he didn’t really make it into any of the photos. Must have been too ugly or something. Here’s the 2 that I could find him in, one just an arm and another where he is pretty far away. I highlighted him for clarity…


I got my registration in for the Lincoln Marathon on the 3rd of May and it’s a good thing I did because they sold out for the first time. 6500 people. I’m not as trained as I was before I was supposed to run Olathe since I am feeling kind of reluctant to do the really long training runs but I think I can make it through. I don’t think I want to do a ton of marathons like I was planning before because I feel like I’m always injured at this point. After the Lincoln race I think I will pull it back a little. Other than that I’m not doing much other than working, clinging to an A by the skin of my teeth in the Statistics class and working on tagging all the new songs that I have added to my mp3 collection. I’m up to 11,307 songs. Enough to play continuously for over as month without repeating a song.

I need to acquire a life at some point don’t I?

1 thought on “Finally a race!”

  1. Okay. So maybe I’m a little excited to do another one. I think we could smoke a 5K. Nice eyes spotting me on that long finish line shot. I do look pretty sweet from a half mile away!

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