Fireworks and festivities.

I really can’t believe that it’s almost the 4th of July already. It really doesn’t seem like it’s that time of year at all to me. I actually wouldn’t know it was around independence day at all if it wasn’t for the fact of the stupid neighborhood kids out in the middle of the street constantly lighting one firecracker at a time all day long. Oh well, kids will be kids I guess. I wonder if it seemed that annoying to the adults when I was younger and spent all my time blowing up hot wheels cars in the backyard and lighting off the blooming flowers and bottle rockets. I’m sure it was. I used to really look forward to the 4th of July but this year I don’t think I will do a single thing related to it. We used to have a big family get together every year when we had the cabin but that got sold a few years back. My uncle Sam then had it at his cabin until people have to go and ruin it by stealing from them so now he just has his friends out for the festivities. I still get invited to that, but always at the last minute as an afterthought. I guess he had fireworks on last Friday night this year. I got called about an hour ahead of time but I was at work, and I had a wedding reception to make an appearance at after work.

Speaking of wedding reception Lloyd and Leshaun got married. If there was anyone that ever should have gotten married it’s those two that’s for sure. They’ve been together for I don’t know how many years now and they are eternally in that stage where they seem so in love that they are oblivious to the fact that it’s annoying to everyone around them. That’s really as it should be I guess. Congratulations to them both and I’m sure they will be very happy.

I’ve been riding the bike quite a bit lately. At first I was going to go for 20 miles a day but after doing it a few times I thought I better make the minimum 10 miles and work my way up when I feel like doing more. Last Tuesday Hoop and I rode the Jamaica North trail down to Roca where there was nothing but some grain silos, a fireworks stand and a bar where we filled our bottles with lukewarm water out of the bathroom tap. It was a nice 26 mile ride though and it was definitely more enjoyable to ride with someone else. I’ve put up a page in the links where I am keeping track of the mileage I’ve been riding. Oops looks like that mile run is coming up on the 15th so I should get on that pretty quick here. I’m not that worried about getting too ready for it since I could do a mile even when I was smoking and not doing anything physical at all. As long as I’m not dead last in my age group it’s all good since I’m not that interested in becoming a serious runner or anything.

Kramer got himself some more dirt from the “50 States in My Backyard” project. This time from Nevada along with a nice letter. I made up a dedicated page for it and linked it over in the links section. That’s pretty much it for today I think.

The Question Song

4 thoughts on “Fireworks and festivities.”

  1. I’m glad you’re riding your bike more…keeps you in shape…wouldn’t want you to start getting “back fat”…oh, that’s right…you mentioned something about that didn’t you? Just wait till your chest hair starts turning grey and hair starts growing out of your ears and nose…have you got signs of the buda belly yet? Your grandpa and dad both had it…then again, maybe you will have the receding hair line of my side of the family…hope you don’t get the “man boobs”! Anyway…how does Brian react to the fireworks? Fancy just hates them, if she’s outside and they start going off…she just cowers under the bushes and when she makes a move to come inside, she slinks along close to the ground and then makes a dash for the door. Well, tomorrow we’re going to the fireworks show down at the park here…maybe making homemade icecream (if the store’s open to get the stuff for it). Hey, tomorrow try to look outside after 10pm just to watch for some fireworks when you’re at work, k? Sorry you have to work on the 4th. Love ya, hope to see you soon! K Bye Mom

  2. Steeeeeeeeeeeeve! Whats up homie? As I’m sure you know I’ve been checking the page every now and again. Just thought I would drop a line. Aimee and I went bike riding today. We made a short 10 mile ride. Kansas City has a bunch of pretty nice trails so thats good. Work is work. I worked the overnight on the 4th at duncan a while ago. It was kindof cool cause I drove the tug over by the paint hangars and I could see about 3 different fire works shows. Aimee and I were just talking about coming up there to visit on a weekend. Since it’s been all of 3 weeks since we’ve been there. Anyway. Talk to you later. Oh, have you seen ticket prices for the USC game? I’ve been thinking about trying to go.

  3. I climbed up on the roof of F hangar and watched some of the city’s fireworks show. It was ok I suppose. Tickets for the USC game will be insanely expensive. That’s all I know. I’m still debating whether I’m going to try and get tickets. It’s great to go when we win (Michigan in the Alamo Bowl) but it really sucks when we get a mushroom print on our foreheads (Oklahoma in the Big 12 Championship).

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