First day of work.

Well today was my first day of work down at Duncan Aviation. I have to tell you it was a bit overwhelming. There is a lot of stuff down there and a lot of it was very familiar but not the same. I felt pretty useless, but I always do when I start a new job. I like to know what the hell is going on and not feel like a dumb shit. There are so many different types of planes and jets. None of them were the same it seemed like. I am with a old guy that has been working out there since 1968. A lot of the younger guys were saying oh don’t worry about him he’s always grumpy etc. etc. I wasn’t bothered by him a bit though. He really knew his stuff and I didn’t think he was that grumpy. Anyone who was in the military with me remembers Mr. Tew right? Well he was kind of like that. Mean as hell if you were on his bad side and were a dumb shit or lazy, but fun and funny if you weren’t. That’s all I have for now. Not a bad day.

1 thought on “First day of work.”

  1. Chris Anderson

    Hey, sorry to hear about your grandma… but you know me and I never know what to say in times like that. Glad you got a new job anyways, was about time. You should get along with the old guy just fine, sounds like ya’ll have a lot in common. Grumpy old men and what not. Well, not much to say here. Going home at the end of the month for a couple weeks. Transmission cost me another $2500. Josh had his kid, Carlie weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs and some odd ounces. She was born premature, but she’s doing good now. Other than that I haven’t heard much else about that situation since he’s on permissive leave now. Yup, that’s about it… snowing again so we’ll have a couple more weeks of ski season, then it’s back to golf. Ok, well… have fun and hope everything goes well at the job. Later.

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